2019-08-21 01:08:05lbdtnd19dnlb

【網購人氣商品】Quinny品牌輕便推車Zapp Flex Plus運動奢華版-Rachel Zoe系列 開店送禮推薦網路人氣商品top10

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Quinny品牌輕便推車Zapp Flex Plus運動奢華版-Rachel Zoe系列


Quinny品牌輕便推車Zapp Flex Plus運動奢華版-Rachel Zoe系列



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Quinny Buggy Zapp Flex Plus - Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection 2019

The Quinny Buggy Zapp Flex Plus is part of the latest Zapp types' luxurious edition. Without having lost any of its flexibility standards this buggy now provides much more comfort for you and your little one. This stylish Luxe Sport Collection designed by Rachel Zoe will add some more oomph to your strolls through town. Being smart, chick and classy, the Zapp Flex Plus is simply the most stylish solution suitable right from birth.

It is the perfect solution for any age. Use it right from the very first day as a unique travel system with either the Quinny Carrycot LUX, the From-Birth Cocoon or the Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat (not included in the delivery!). The buggy's trendy universal chassis makes it possible for you to switch between those different attachments in no time at all. Easy and quick - no matter what you are up to or where you want to go, with the Flex Plus you are ready for any adventure!

Its four large wheels and its closed push bar make this buggy a luxurious highlight while ensuring high manoeuvrability and easy and smooth steering. With the large swivel front wheels, you can master exciting strolls through the urban city and even rough terrain is no problem. The push bar gives you an excellent grip even when steering the buggy with only one hand.

Once your little one has reached six months he or she can cuddle up in the ultra-comfy seat unit that can be attached to the chassis in both forward and rear facing mode. This way, the smallest among us can ride safely while mom and dad can keep an eye on them. The seat unit combines both comfort and safety. It can be adjusted into a recline position, no matter if you attach it in a forward or rear facing mode. The soft-padded five-point harness prevents your child from dropping out of the buggy. Additionally, you can add some more oomph to your Quinny Buggy by equipping it with a matching play bar (not included in the delivery!). The extendable canopy offers extra protection, since it provides a cosy retreat and protects your little one from direct sunlight (UV50+) and also keeps away wind and rain. Your tiny human will feel safe and sound at all times while being out and about.

The shopping basket is easy to reach and large enough to store all the necessities and niceties you need when traveling with a child. Its compact folded size is another highlight of this buggy: a 3D-fold mechanism enables you to fold the seat unit together with the chassis. Due to its secure lock you can transport the buggy easily.

Items of delivery also include a practical rain cover as well as adaptors for your Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat. The Zapp Flex is a flexible and super smart solution for everyday life with an infant!


  • Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Collection

  • Suitable from approx. 6 months

  • Suitable from birth when combined with Quinny Carrycot LUX, From-Birth-Cocoon and/ or Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat (not included in the delivery!)

  • Items of delivery include: aluminium chassis, seat unit, canopy (UV50+), shopping basket (max. 5 kg), rain cover and adaptors for Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seats

  • Compact 3D-fold mechanism incl. secure lock

  • Seat unit is adjustable in forward and rear facing mode, both with recline position

  • Four large wheels, swivel front wheel, particularly flexible

  • Closed push bar

  • Cover can be wipes clean

  • Size unfolded: 84 x 60 x 106 cm; size folded: 83 x 44,5 x 38 cm

  • Weight: 10,3 kg




Quinny品牌輕便推車Zapp Flex Plus運動奢華版-Rachel Zoe系列





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[新頭殼newtalk] 近期甫推出就馬上爆紅的新大逃殺類型遊戲《APEX英雄》在昨(13)日進行的Twitch Rivals中創下驚人紀錄,在比賽當日《APEX英雄》類別共創下了總共828萬小時的觀看時數,外媒TEO報導,這個數字超過了《要塞英雄》在去年7月的夏季游擊戰創下的660萬小時最高單日總觀看時數,可見《APEX英雄》的熱度之高。除了Twitch Rivals的官方轉播頻道外,許多歐美實況主也直播自己的比賽視角,其中超人氣實況主Shroud一個人在昨日就吸引了110萬小時的單日總觀看人數,相當驚人。

大逃殺類題材最新話題大作《APEX英雄》昨熱銷排行榜網友開箱介紹日進行了Twitch Rivals實況活動,歐美48位人氣實況主各自組隊展開4小時的比賽,各隊要在這4小時內盡量進行最多場的公開遊戲,並且以每場冠軍得5分、每個擊殺數得1分的形式計分,時間結束後進行結算決定20萬美元(約617萬元新台幣)的獎金池份額誰屬。

雖然Twitch Rivals的主頻道只吸引了總共42萬6千小時的總觀看時數與11萬5千人的同時最高觀看人數,但轉播各實況主參賽角度的各實況頻道都創下驚人紀錄,其中Shroud更是一個人在昨日就吸引了110萬小時的單日總觀看人數,以相當大的差距擊敗了Ninja、Dr. Disrespect等人,讓《APEX英雄》佔據了Twitch昨日實況頻道觀看數最高的前4名,相當風光。




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Quinny品牌輕便推車Zapp Flex Plus運動奢華版-Rachel Zoe系列

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