2016-10-09 19:52:47lasermodule

Moisture Field Workable Green Dot Laser Alignment

Whenever dot measuring work is processed in quite harsh occasion, such as rain, fog, water or other moisture occasion, it is very hard to achieve unless the assistance of green dot laser alignment. According to its special design of glass window in front of laser beam aperture part, it cannot only get great optic light cycling use in constant green laser dot targeting work, but also getting highly stable and reliable performance in various moisture work fields efficiently.
The operation of green dot laser alignment is much more simple and convenient than a green laser pointer. Even though a simple green laser pen gets similar laser beam and light spot, however, it is just very simple presentation tool workable for very short time dot positioning work. A simple battery power source supplied laser pointer is only workable with maximum pointing time of within 15 seconds, which is far more enough to fulfill clear enough dot alignment in those of industrial work fields.
When green dot laser alignment is applied for industrial dot measuring work, it is adopting external electric power source in type of DC input power supply. It gets continuous green laser beam supply from its constant electric power source. At the same time, laser dot alignment also gets superior consideration of thermal emitting performance. When green laser module gets external electric power source, inside its quite compact structure laser tube of 16mm and 26mm diameter, there is always efficient space reserving as its cooling system. 
The adoption of metal heat sink cooling gets enough space reserving, but also enables the best thermal stabilization than simple air or water cooling system. At the same time, green laser alignment is also equipped with silicon gum, the real laser dot alignment also gets perfect performance under condition of occasional shocking or calibration in process of dot aligning work. Users should just pay high attention to working environment, avoiding direct laser dot targeting under sunlight, this green laser diode module with correct selection of output power can easily achieve the most precise dot alignment as expected.
In continuous green laser dot alignment work, this green laser module might also be selected with higher output power up 50mW to make measurement or experiment in industrial and military targeting work fields. Extremely powerful and intense green laser beam might be produced during continuous green laser dot aligning work, thus users should just remember to take active measures and wear proper 532nm wavelength protecting laser safety glasses until getting the most secured dot aligning safely.