2004-10-10 01:15:24Laris

到我心裡活 Promise

I could never forget behaving like a fool
Pretending I'm funny my dear
I could never forget, the pain you brought to me
But I still fantasize
Will keep searching you for my love
She one who's right for me
I will keep searching for my love
The one who's right for me
The one who's next to me

到我心裡活 郭富城

黑夜白晝 天長地久 忘了情還有沒有 兩顆心如何交手 誰又參得透
情的世界 愛的天空 誰在翻雲覆雨後 聚散從不給埋由
你的世界難以捉摸 神秘又溫柔
可知人世還有一個我 燃燒著相思火
答應我 相信我 給我愛你的線索 請把往事交給我 到我心裡活
答應我 跟著我 逃出愛情的魔咒 有我陪你到最後

I will promise who's right to me~~