2012-11-21 12:39:07Yvette

Loss of a good FB friend

小天使 home-stay daughter 喜和子的爸爸益田先生近日去世。昨晚一點半看到消息, 不敢相信。

兩年多來, 常常在 FB 聊天, 比身邊的朋友還熟,感覺好像已經認識三十年。

益田先生在遠距聊天非常搞笑, 本人則靦腆害羞。 小天使請客聚餐見面一次, 他回國之後卻寄了一枝名貴的鋼筆送我。這是他常常給全球跑透透四處送驚喜的方式。

我喜歡他的諧謔玩笑, 非常親近卻反而單純。


Rest in Peace, Soichi Masuda san!


YV 2012-11-23 09:35:46


I am devastated to hear of the news that my dear friend Soichi Masuda has passed away. Today is a perfect day to express how grateful that I am truly that I was graced with him in my life. Every interaction with him brought a smile to my face and laughter to my heart. He had such spirit and one of the purest kindest souls I have ever had the pleasure to know. The afterlife is so lucky to have you, My condolences to his family and to my fellow friends who knew him. We are all suffering a huge loss today. Thank Soichi for every smile and every laugh and everything.

一生五十, 精彩走過!

Janet 2012-11-22 22:41:59


YV 2012-11-22 22:07:40

精彩過一生的 Masuda san!
我看到他兄弟上傳的(報紙刊載)訃聞, 祭儀是 11/28, 有點相信是真的。不過還是希望這是他開的創意惡作劇玩笑。