2008-02-20 00:52:42Yvette
I ACHE, I AIL, AND I ACHE—Soliloquy of Jealousy
(Picture: Hera)
I ACHE, I AIL, AND I ACHE—Soliloquy of Jealousy
By Sidney Chou
Ah, I ache, I ail, and I ache!
No bliss seen in Book of Life, to know
That Love hath made a woman strong,
Confounded in castle-walls of self-grantedness
Thou wouldst sometime blame the sake
Of rooted selfishness. And yeh—
Love ist selfish when it delight’th not in strains of mirth
A woman frail
In keeping her love all, unshocked, during
A half year. Frail! Frail before the Love Lyre’s playing
Fingers. Thus she maketh her heart comforted, abidng
All memories back, though, and
Striveth for a new ecstasy to signify
A consolation that I can in death learn.
And die Thou not weak; die evil,
For Humanity for me not a thing so blissful.
是因為太acute, 不知如何反應。
也想偷 Sid 一段留言來說:
I ACHE, I AIL, AND I ACHE—Soliloquy of Jealousy
By Sidney Chou
Ah, I ache, I ail, and I ache!
No bliss seen in Book of Life, to know
That Love hath made a woman strong,
Confounded in castle-walls of self-grantedness
Thou wouldst sometime blame the sake
Of rooted selfishness. And yeh—
Love ist selfish when it delight’th not in strains of mirth
A woman frail
In keeping her love all, unshocked, during
A half year. Frail! Frail before the Love Lyre’s playing
Fingers. Thus she maketh her heart comforted, abidng
All memories back, though, and
Striveth for a new ecstasy to signify
A consolation that I can in death learn.
And die Thou not weak; die evil,
For Humanity for me not a thing so blissful.
是因為太acute, 不知如何反應。
也想偷 Sid 一段留言來說:
You click a lot, you link a lot
To peep what is the coming plot
To our slight instinct, you even dot
Precisely, onto our secret spot
But you should not be the one.....
*** *** ***
1. Sid 用統一的代名詞輕音節 "I” 分開三個押頭韻的動詞,完全不會妨礙 alliteration 效果。這樣做甚至有視覺美感!(不過,我想作者理智的心思沒用到視覺效果這兒來。)
2. 長音【e】連續出現三次,使得這個 lamenting woman 的嘆氣效果襯托得有點 morbid 。「嫉妒」的形象表現,適合作為中古劇本 Everyman 的台詞,也可以加到馬羅版的《浮士德》。
3. 相信作者也很滿意兩次 【k】音的深沉吼音以及 【l】這齒後仿母音延長後做到的餘韻現象。好處是「我痛心」、「我病了」、「我心痛~啊啊啊啊~~~~」的三次吶喊造成「強--弱--強」三種不等長度的感覺。
4. Sid 很聰明的把無聲爆破子音【k】放在前後兩次出現,這力道絕對非常
explosive!!!為了唸好【k】和【l】兩個子音,雙母音(偽長母音)【e】音甚至必須前後兩音【ㄝ-一】唸足,唸等長!(KK 音標標不準啦! 討厭!) 更強化 lamentation/ complaining 心情。
5. 第一行我會唸成
ˊ│ˇˊ│ˇˊ│ˇ ˇˊ
mono syllable—iamb—iamb—anapest
(weighted masculine line ending.)
2008-02-21 05:32:19
That`s HER, Hera!
詩, 如果做為一種產業, 絕對是Team Work.
我欣賞妳對此詩的闡釋, 再次懾服閣下的博學廣識!
台灣有一半的英語人口沒辦法欣賞這首詩的第一句,因為他們分不清楚 lake, lack & -leck....
IT`s us to blame!