2007-10-11 16:27:49Yvette
A Lament for the Oak Tree
by Becky the Other
The stately oak once arrayed in colors gay
Who before reigned in unabashed splendor
Now stands ashamed, as a woman
Stripped, ravaged, and robbed
Her glory, here yesterday, has vanished
Shorn, forlorn, unadorned is she
The surrounding forest senses her shame
No more do birds call through skies blue
The squirrels no longer chatter gaily
All about her lies in melancholy, deep mourning
I, as I walk by, do too sense her pain
And soften my steps while I gaze
Saddened am I that she is dethroned
But hope remains for she shall arise, renewed
As if a phoenix from the grey ash
When it is spring again
A Lament for the Oak Tree
by Becky the Other
The stately oak once arrayed in colors gay
Who before reigned in unabashed splendor
Now stands ashamed, as a woman
Stripped, ravaged, and robbed
Her glory, here yesterday, has vanished
Shorn, forlorn, unadorned is she
The surrounding forest senses her shame
No more do birds call through skies blue
The squirrels no longer chatter gaily
All about her lies in melancholy, deep mourning
I, as I walk by, do too sense her pain
And soften my steps while I gaze
Saddened am I that she is dethroned
But hope remains for she shall arise, renewed
As if a phoenix from the grey ash
When it is spring again
BS to YV
2007-10-13 14:44:21
I hope so!
Yvette to Big Sis
2007-10-13 13:29:39
I, as I walk by, do too sense her pain
And soften my steps while I gaze
Saddened am I that she is dethroned
But hope remains for she shall arise, renewed
As if a phoenix from the grey ash
When it is spring again