2007-05-21 23:21:00Yvette
這場面真是亂呀:Runny Babbit and Bunny Rabbit
因為言梅姐姐想 Nita 想昏了,把 Nita 叫成 Tina, 搞怪天后珍妮特開始了她的命名師僭位之舉:
Janet 變成 Enajt
Yvette 變成 Ttevye
Sherry 變成 Rrehsy
然後老大玩興一起, Elizabeth 變成 Lisa 又變成 Sila!
瞧這個亂勁兒!真是Chaotic! (請參見 [倚薇特的手工書原稿] 下篇回應留言!)
搞怪天王 Shel Silverstein 也有一本這樣的書,假如妳湊巧是喜歡解碼的
Dan Brown 迷,看完《達文西密碼》、《天使與魔鬼》、《數位密碼》之後,有興趣讓妳清醒的頭腦混亂一下,不如來讀這本書!Bunny Rabbit, 哦!不!是Runny Babbit!
Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook by Shel Silverstein
Way down in the green woods
Where the animals all play,
They do things and they say things
In a different sort of way—
Instead of sayin’ “purple hat,”
They all say “hurple pat.”
Instead of sayin’ “feed the cat,”
They just say “ceed the fat.”
So if you say, “Let’s beed a rook
That’s billy as can se,”
You’re talkin’ Runny Babbit talk,
Just like mim and he.
Janet 變成 Enajt
Yvette 變成 Ttevye
Sherry 變成 Rrehsy
然後老大玩興一起, Elizabeth 變成 Lisa 又變成 Sila!
瞧這個亂勁兒!真是Chaotic! (請參見 [倚薇特的手工書原稿] 下篇回應留言!)
搞怪天王 Shel Silverstein 也有一本這樣的書,假如妳湊巧是喜歡解碼的
Dan Brown 迷,看完《達文西密碼》、《天使與魔鬼》、《數位密碼》之後,有興趣讓妳清醒的頭腦混亂一下,不如來讀這本書!Bunny Rabbit, 哦!不!是Runny Babbit!
Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook by Shel Silverstein
Way down in the green woods
Where the animals all play,
They do things and they say things
In a different sort of way—
Instead of sayin’ “purple hat,”
They all say “hurple pat.”
Instead of sayin’ “feed the cat,”
They just say “ceed the fat.”
So if you say, “Let’s beed a rook
That’s billy as can se,”
You’re talkin’ Runny Babbit talk,
Just like mim and he.
老大! 你已經變成晉惠帝了! 這算是進化吧!
就算沒人拾起,We`ve got to move on, haven`t we?