2007-03-20 20:13:06Yvette


小天使發問,Yvette 只好深入探討作答。

因為要教【女性文學】,Yvette 常常必須檢驗作品裡頭主人翁的性別氣質,久了之後,就會檢驗自己。以前,有個朋友對 Yvette 說:「你終非男子,否則可以書齋煮茗,醺一室筆墨香;月下把盞,浴滿空的月色;嚎笑間可以擊掌助興,可以猛拍你的肩膀。當然交友之道並不在於較量膂力....云云」說老實話,當初我看到這些話只覺得「嚎笑擊掌拍肩有什麼不得了的?我就是這樣長大的呀!」

國小時候,Yvette 被叫做「女暴君」,就是布袋戲裡的壞人【女暴君】。在學校玩的遊戲就是「追著男生打!」我小時候的玩伴不是一大堆叔叔就是一大堆舅舅和我家的兩個弟弟,幾乎沒有女生!玩的遊戲都是「殺手刀、陀螺、彈珠、彈弓」。不但要出去作戰,還要到對方營地去劫囚。(少數的小女生鄰居不算,因為我媽不太讓我出去玩,太容易流鼻血,都是出去叫弟弟回家吃飯的時候順便玩一下。)

更不一樣的是:媽媽生 Yvette 時,產期過了一個月Yvette 還賴著不出來,後來媽媽血壓超高昏倒,送醫急救用帝王切開術抓出來。從此,曾祖母認為Yvette 不經產道出來,「視同男生」(這是什麼邏輯?)所以連供桌都可以站上去。

可以想像Yvette 讀《馬克白》笑成什麼樣子吧?哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!Yvette 「不是女人生的」,可以當選弒殺馬克白的候選人!(可以幫我配上「風蕭蕭兮易水寒」的音樂!那叫【英雄】吧?!)

女性賀爾蒙作用相反,女生的食指和無名指要嘛一樣長,一般都是食指比較長。這一看不得了,Yvette 馬上拿尺來比一比。哇!Yvette 的無名指比食指足足長了6mm!難怪我一點女孩兒樣都沒有!



Yvette to 老大 2007-03-24 15:31:57

You are a poet!
You really are!
It`s Nature that makes you a more poetic person, I believe.

So, you grow 菊花 too, huh?

How beautiful!

老大 to Yvette 2007-03-24 09:20:38

Don`t worry! I just go to bed late sometimes. Hiking in the mountains makes me feel comfortable, not exhausted. My honey does all the farming work, and I just cheer for him. The farm looks like a big garden. As the insects, just let them be. Last night, there were a gecko and a butterfly visiting my house. I asked them to go out, but they didn`t listen; therefore, I could not but tell them &quotAll right, stay where you are as you like it.&quot

老大 2007-03-24 02:07:15

My digital camera is out of order. I`ll get another one.

Hey, girl!

2007-03-24 02:07:15

Are you telling me that you sit up all night in your villa? It does not sound very healthy, huh? How can you have energy to climb the mountain afterwards?!

I am really curious how big 五分地 is, though you already explained it. A hill, a field, woods or simply a big garden? Do you have to spend a lot of time taking care of the trees and plants? OR fireflies, butterflies, dragonflies, bees and ants?

Really really curious! (Guess it is because I`ve never really set foot on the dearest earth. Suddenly I feel miserable. I feel drastically alienated from NATURE.)

2007-03-24 08:27:17
2007-03-25 20:45:59