2013-03-20 12:19:14All I Wanna Do

my institute class

I was late for my institute class, but managed to participate a lot more than I usually do though. We talked about why some of the people in the book of Mormon acted like they acted and did what they did. It was an over all very entertaining class today. I did leave a bit early so I could get to my English class early though.  In English (we work in the computer lab on Tuesdays) we worked on our papers. I had someone do a peer review of my paper, and then I did my 2nd draft, it didn't take very long. that was pretty much all we did the whole class time. I did peek at my astronomy test score though, I got a 78 / 100! I was and am still very very happy about that.  I ended up leaving English early today as well because i finished my 2nd draft early Claire Hsu.

They were giving out free cotton candy when I got out of my English class, it was green apple flavored. I just walked around the school, got a yogurt parfait, and walked through the school store for a bit before yoga. After a while I went to my locker, got out my workout clothes, put my stuff in my locker and went and got dressed. When I got to the yoga studio there was no one there, I guess the previous class was cancelled (someone teaches Zumba before), so I just put down my mat and slept until class started. Today we worked on forearm stand, hand stands, and some other standing poses that you get into from downward facing dog pose.  It was a really fun class, challenging, and got my heart rate up a decent amount.

After class ended I just went back to my locker after putting my pants on over my yoga pants, called my sister, and she picked me up. In the time I was waiting for her I made an appointment with the school's writing center so they could help me with my 3rd draft for my paper. We went to go get my mom from work after we left the school. When we got home my mom got my dad and we went over to our local school to vote. The line was non existent, everyone had voted earlier. I voted for Mitt Romney, and some other people, and when I was done, I gave someone my voting card, grabbed some candy they had, and went home. I have just been hanging around watching the election and stuff. I am bummed out that Romney lost, I hope our country will be okay. Hopefully Obama will give me a good reason to like him this time around. I have my fingers crossed tourism industry research.

Anyway so those were my past few days. I have other stuff to say, but I'll stop here for now. :)

If I forgot anything I will just add it tomorrow.

上一篇:M. R. James

下一篇:here is mercy