2008-04-19 16:16:40Luis-24

Exam!? I don’t care...


望下鏡頭啦 =.=


4月14日...Exam day 1...歷史...上網d tips 全中...發達~! 一題都唔多...

4月15日...Exam day 2...地理...ok啦...下午溫代數...順手出去玩...

4月16日...Exam day 3...oh shit...對住份卷...唔識做...題題一半一半...
難過平時測驗個d好多... 下午溫立幾...又係順手出左去玩...跟住都係去左個fd屋企...

4月17日...Exam day 4...立幾...OK啦...下午英文...都係出去溫...順手出去玩...

4月18日...Exam day 5...English...應該冇咩問題=v= 下午去搞回鄉證...(因為過期啦...)
唔知點解 = =" 去到個頭見到好多以前ge miss啊sir... = ="

4月19日...Exam day 6...落雨了...3號風球...
考完返黎順便去剪頭髮...怪怪地 = ="

I don’t know how to say to you...
maybe...you don’t care about me anymore...
but...maybe I am a fool...
I keep holding on to you...

Enrique Iglesias-Don’t You Forget About Me

they say love is just a game
they say time can heal the pain
sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
and i guess i’m just a fool
i keep holding on to you
i told you once you were the one
you know that i’ll die for you
Although it hurts to see you go
oh this time you should know
i won’t try to stop you
don’t you forget about me baby
don’t you forget about me now
some day you’ll turn around and ask me
why did i let you go
so you try to fake a smile
you don’t wanna break my heart
i can see that you’re afraid
but baby its to late
coz I’m already dying
dont you forget about me baby
dont you forget about me now
some day you’ll turn around and ask me
why did i let you go
don’t you forget about me baby
don’t you forget about me now
some day you’ll turn around and ask me
why did i let you go
why did i let you go
dont you forget about me baby,no
dont you forget about me now
some day you’ll turn around and ask me
why did i let you go
why did i let you go
where will i go,i wouldn’t forget abou you
Don’t you forget about me

Live : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5heSUidaowQ&feature=related

CD Version:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKCpD--whns
◈` *獨×愛*+▂ 2008-04-25 20:03:24


昭~ 2008-04-22 19:39:02

我 屋企都有好多只