2004-02-19 01:57:00尚未設定

purely water-blowing

Monday night : full turbo on PHAE! Finished 9 lectures!
Tue night : Efficiency decreased but still "in phase" with my timetable
Wed night : wah u're reading this entry written on Wed night... in fact it's Thursday morning now... so u know the result... gotta finish up to anaemia then I can stop la...

Slept for 5 hours only on monday night. It may be normal to many of my classmates. But for me, 5 hours id definitely not enough. Had tutorial at about 10am. In the middle of the tutorial some big potatoes entered coz it was time for morning round. So we were half-forced to follow the more-than-2-hour-kept-bursting round. The doctors were all very kind. The biggest potato explained everything in details. But my brain activitiy dropped to 50% only... so... and my other groupmates were at the verge of %$&<$). Tarry stool said he was suffering from hypoglyceamia, about to collapse... X-ray meeting was changed to "Infection control" lecture. Wah the doctor sitting in front of me kept dozing...so did I and my groupmates. Left the hospital at 4pm. Still living. Quite energetic tim... Slept on my desk for 1 hour only.

Today! 9:30am tutorial. Then followed Dr Yeung's round. Then long case discussion with Dr Yeung. Dr Yeung is super ging and hoe yun! He couldn't stop talking when the topic is related to neurology. His enthusiasm is all written on his face. YEAH! I like it!!! He is as hoe yun as Dr Wong =D =D =D =D =D
Then bedside tutorial. Wah a 伯伯 has aortic regurgitation + aortic stenosis + mitral stenosis! The murmurs... I couldn't differentiate them la of coz... He's very kind! Examined by 1 doctor + 8 students!!! Very talkative too... Patients are bored I know. It's fun talking to them but I gotta wun she ma... =___=
Left at around 4pm again.

We planned out timetable >> only go there on Tue nexk week. Hope our plain will be successful la. Neuro... really... haven';t started it seriously... Still on PHAE. If I dun take of of the other panels then 15/3 死無全屍 >_<

WAhwahwahwah heard that 80 new graduates from medical school are unemployed this year! So gang!!!

I see every responsibility as assigned by God. But why I'm happy doing some of them, and not so happy doing some others? >_< Am I just a selfish gal choosing to do things that please myself only? But if I'm not so 100% happy with what I'm doing, why bothering then?? I enjoy reading on my own, hiding in my room doing nothing in particular... when something becomes a responsibility that one must do, it's no longer enjoyable. Aiya why I treat everything as a responsibility? Why I'm only concerned with my own needs? =(
Aiya hor lun I'm always in the high-energy mode la. When it's moderate-energy jau wanna give up...

aiya go back to study