2006-03-05 19:38:31╰*Mi ☆mI ┤|| 珊

hihi~~ it has been a long time that i haven’t post any new entry here, just too lazy to do so la ^^ the workload in the second semester is much heavier than that in the first semester..we have one Computer project, one management, english presentation, english essay, maths assignment etcetc so far =.=""" in the second semester, three of us know more new friends coz we have different timetable for most of the courses, esp kk la, coz she is in the different plan.. as my parents are still in hometown and my lovely brother has found a job (finally =.="" ) i feel that my life is very very busy....besides, i have to attend lessons from Monday to Saturday this semester...which makes me very very moloy lor =.=""" i have no dayoff at all, and even need to go to school on Sat lor ..too bad =.="""
Today is a moloy Sunday lor, according to our schedule, we will go for cycling today, we have invited 5 friends altogher, unforutnately, no one is available =.=""" what’s worse is that Miss Virginia flew our plan this morning, so we just changed our plan to => doing maths assignment in Mcdonald’s, seeing those students preparing and drilling maths there, we recalled our days at that time .....so harsh :(
i start to realize that it is indeed a waste of time to spend few hours going online every day..doing for nth ... =.=""" so i have decided to go less online in the coming days.... :)
Today is a moloy Sunday lor, according to our schedule, we will go for cycling today, we have invited 5 friends altogher, unforutnately, no one is available =.=""" what’s worse is that Miss Virginia flew our plan this morning, so we just changed our plan to => doing maths assignment in Mcdonald’s, seeing those students preparing and drilling maths there, we recalled our days at that time .....so harsh :(
i start to realize that it is indeed a waste of time to spend few hours going online every day..doing for nth ... =.=""" so i have decided to go less online in the coming days.... :)