2005-12-29 01:34:52╰*Mi ☆mI ┤|| 珊

今日晨早流流同kk兩個走左出去, 當我地一路賴醒咁話自己係中大咁都唔當失路真係好叻之際….仲要醒到唔等shuttle bus自己散步行落山…..一路話其實都唔係好難行Jei, 順住條路未係囉……點知…..我地…..當失路了 =.=””” 行左個幾鐘先至離開到個間大學 =.=””” 跟住就好叻咁兩丁人生路不熟既我地自己走去旺角行街(佢地要開會), 行到想死呀……怪不得潘潘話旺角真係唔好行咁多, 會死人的 ^^ ..exactly….大都已經唔係重點, 重點係逼死…..行到邊都多人都爆 =.=”” 超唔鐘意, 未試過行街行到咁敏家, HK is not a place for me 我以後都唔會去香港過聖誕家啦 >.< I SWEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
跟住終於見到我親愛既貞貞表姐, 我地幾個一齊行街啦….行到咁上下就去食pizza hut, 點知個野話我地要等…….4個半鐘, 枉佢講得出口…..於是我地無奈地choose左M記, 我都唔明家~~我去到邊度都係你地嘲笑既對像ga wor `~~ you people ar ……always build your happiness at the expenses of michelle’s sufferings >.< …that’s my fate, just like a little candle, burn itself to give happiness to others….what a poor little candle :( (( don’t beat me plx ^___^))
then Janis beg me to stay at her home that day lor, so two of us just accompany kk to the train station and then ask leng to fetch her in the U station, we went to high Tea in M記 before going home ^^
PS…在我寫這篇日記的時候我的壞堂哥叫我寫一寫他, `沒錯啦, 當天他沒有祝我平安夜快樂……哼哼~~不會原諒他的 >.< !!!
跟住終於見到我親愛既貞貞表姐, 我地幾個一齊行街啦….行到咁上下就去食pizza hut, 點知個野話我地要等…….4個半鐘, 枉佢講得出口…..於是我地無奈地choose左M記, 我都唔明家~~我去到邊度都係你地嘲笑既對像ga wor `~~ you people ar ……always build your happiness at the expenses of michelle’s sufferings >.< …that’s my fate, just like a little candle, burn itself to give happiness to others….what a poor little candle :( (( don’t beat me plx ^___^))
then Janis beg me to stay at her home that day lor, so two of us just accompany kk to the train station and then ask leng to fetch her in the U station, we went to high Tea in M記 before going home ^^
PS…在我寫這篇日記的時候我的壞堂哥叫我寫一寫他, `沒錯啦, 當天他沒有祝我平安夜快樂……哼哼~~不會原諒他的 >.< !!!