2005-01-30 05:42:29女伯爵

對耶魯大學發表指數之回應 原文發表在YAHOO上

Taiwan has made improvement over the past few years under the leadership of the new government. True, there are rooms for improvement, but I don't think Taiwan should be at the end of this list. Comparing to other countries, Taiwan took over millions of people from China during the civil war in the 50's. That definately posed a huge challenge to the environment and society. However, Taiwan manages to survive. The government is working on improving the public transportation system to reduce polutions. On the other hand, Taiwan citizens also are aware of the importance of sustainability. New rules and regulations have been applied to everday life. Every citizen is working on making Taiwan a better place.
Asian countries are not as lucky as European coutries or USA due to the strong competition resulting from huge population. The index is more like a rich country criticizing a coutry which has to work very hard due to lack of natural resources. Is it fair to criticize Taiwan? I don't think so.

在新政府的領導下 台灣在過去幾年有顯著的進步 當然 仍有進步的空間 但是 我不同意台灣應該在最後面的幾名 跟其他國家比起來 台灣再中國內戰之侯 接收了百萬名的中國人 對環境及社會造成很大的影響 但是 台灣撐過來了 台灣政府正致力於改善台灣的交通系統 以減低污染 另一方面 台灣人也意識到環保 永續經營的重要性 政府新公佈的法律將讓台灣的朝這方面邁進 台灣人也為讓台灣變成一個更好的環境而努力
亞洲國家不像歐美國家一樣幸運 因為龐大的人口導致強烈的競爭 這個指數就像有錢人批評沒有自然資源而必須盡其所能國家 對台灣人來說 公平嗎 我不同意