2009-10-21 13:01:18James-

I am not tired but exausted

however, it has been pretty cold and raining all the time...

anyway, my life is so fabulous compare with previous life

1. We celebrate the Moon Festival with HOA housemates, we went to Chinatown for Hotpot that's pretty awesome!!!

2. We had a birthday dinner for Rai!! Although it's soooo hard to ask her come back home

3. We had a awesome Ayusa Party with 06-07 and 07-08!! We need to have that party every quarter!!

4. We met North Seattle CC friends!! Eric !! he looks soooo good and bring a girl hahaa

5. We have been to mall many times,,,huh cost 2 much money

6. I learned how to cook !! they are so nice to teach me

7. School is very very boring!!

First of all, it is soooo cold now, and we just got the heater.

School is so boring, and the ESL is boring...

and make me sleep all the time..

Also, the teacher said me and my roommate in the classroom are soooo noisy!!

(he told to my housemate which was his student used to..)

however, i always talked to the girl next to me hahahaha

so, i think everyone dont like me.. cuz i am so talktive in every class!!

by the way, i just registered my IELTS test on Sep. certain date...

and i need to take this test on 10/31...but now i didnt get any mails from the test center

so, i have been trying to call them...but 2 days... no one answer the fucXing phone!!!!


i hate them.. they dont hv any efficiency!!! they are suxks

whatever.. i dont like it

now, i was sick

but it's NOT  H1N1!!!

so, i felt soooo bad..

and i had a fever last friday nite.. cuz ..i

huh..it's so sucks!!!

alsooooo, i had a very special and awesome surgery

a fake doctor just fix my toe..

he used the little sisser to cut out a tumor. (actually is not.. but i dont know wht word can replace it)

is soooo fuvking hurt and painful !!

but he fixed it!! sooo happy!

now my reading class is soooo motorcycle..

we have already had 2 test. and tomorrow one more... shit (wednesday)

i hoep everyone can enjoy their day !!

P.S  i cannot understand wht Humanity is talking abt!!

i can even understand the meaning came from teacher's mouth !

and i hate doing the presentation..i felt soo nervous !!

hope me can get it better!!
