2005-04-25 08:37:18傻Q


點解人o地總有d開心o既o野響身邊? 幾時先有個人同我share 開心同唔開心o既事呢? 生活..... 有放棄o既感覺. 生存有意義嗎? i mean 都唔知為o左乜, 突然失去o左目標咁. 邊度會有人需要我, 等緊我呢? 有時候當你喜歡o既人消失o左, 好似一整半o既世界無o左咁. 個new diary site background 好似有陣血o既味道.


15/04/05, 好耐無打電話返香港, 只係寄o左do野返去. 太大壓力, 忍唔住打番去. 真係好辛苦......... anyway, 我其實想grad o左之後留響Melb 再讀Hotel Management. 人o地就話有好多friends 同bf / gf 響香港姐, 我o地呢d無人無物 去邊都無所為, 我又唔係屋企d長男, 可有可無. 今日響公司好得閒, 因為kissy leung 搶晒do野o黎做, alan 又響kitchen 太busy, 好燥, 整錯乜都鬧我, 攪到我都黑黑o地面. 事因係我又整錯coffee, alan 知我唔開心, 想comfort 我, 不過.........

A: 唔係啦, 不過你叻d(言下之意係拎我同kissy leung 比).

Q: 嘩... 唔好咁講 (笑o左出o黎, 因為佢呢句o野太假).


14/04/05, 返o左Deakin 諗住做Test, 點知DSO down o左, 同兩個Alvin 響Boxill hae o左幾個hours. Then 等埋Anna 佢o地Test 完落o黎打邊爐. 我o地跟住Joyce 就會有好o野食. 不過食完無車囉, 要搭去Blackburn 轉車返Clayton.

目標: 我要今個semester average DISTICTION, 響公司唔會再俾人睇小.

17/04/05, David, Willi & I work today. 唔係咁busy, 不過好多奇怪o野. 有個阿婆叫完Riesling 話terrible sweet. Then 婆婆話我可能俾錯o左佢. Okay, David told me, bring her a new glass and pour the wine in front of her. 不過我真係無俾錯佢. coz that'z sweet wine. Alan work hard on trying to make the workplace's computer access internet..... 同Willi & David 做o野好causal, 好relex . 一早同anna 去Chadstone 買boot, 之後買o左個寫住Bad Ass o既refresher 俾David, 因為佢尋晚玩完我個電靬隳左響公司 Table. 我見到Bad Ass 個字就諗起佢. 不過David 話個味好嘔心, 文少不知幾鍾意, 至先俾文少都唔俾David. 我重買o左個豬豬俾Willi. 不過佢都唔知丟o左去邊. (>"<) 佢o地好衰.......

Henry 哥幫我整好o左個hardisk 啦, 好開心 . 唔知我自己可唔可以restore 過do野............ anyway, 有希望.

19/04/05, 同Alvin Kwok 開Bank a/c + 3G 電話, 攪o左成日. then 去o左Boxhill 同Henry + Iris ­食dinner, 食完過馬路踼到架BMW ­個拖bar. 隻腳腫晒甩skin ya .

20/04/05, 走堂返工, Leo + David + me. 好悶, super 咁悶, Leo 同我響度溫書, David 去o左送delivery. 跟住不停同David chat, 同文少玩叫單. (文少­借d易打人pat pat ). Anna + Alvin tonite o黎拎Bread, hae o左陣, Anna ­俾人話無大無細, coz 因為Deakin 有­個人同Polly 拍o左一日拖散o左.

21/04/05, 今日partner Willi. 都係一­個悶字, 因為Willi ­好少出聲,一開口就講車. 不過呢, 我同Alan 整o左好多得意o野飲... 有黑牛, 有affxxxx (­short blk + ice-cream). 都有­俾alan 話我同文少玩太多. 不過Alan 教我日文呢. 回程時Willi 好似好tired ­唔係咁開心咁.


25/04/05, So silly that back to uni on ANZIC Day, a totally public hoilday, so hardworking i'm lol. Whole uni got less than 20 ppl, wht the ........ anyway, i can work on my HRM assign. A week just passed and i work 3 days a week now, the assign due soon and i haven't start yet, coz my computer got error be4. And now wht ? My computer can't load powerpoint & access. I dunno how to fixed it, but it'z lucky that I still can work on MS word & read PDF files. Feeling happy to fixed the computer partly by myself. Finally i can use WinXP + printer + webcam. But my soundcard still can't be detected by CPU.

Indeed this week got a event that make me worry again. 100% abt my bro. 23/04/05, He fight with that bitchy K on Sat be4 v went to work. I dunno it be4 hand, just heard Elvis talk abt this on the way v get to K's home. v confuse whether v back workplace 1st or wait them to finish fighting. I went to lock the door at last, both of them get hurt. Since bro said K got bad temper like a beast screaming that she dun back to work that evening. But she told me she need a job with tears in front of me. Is it ture that got some ppl fake like that in this world ?! i dunno (itz funny that when i touch Willi's hair after back to his car, his hair got WET ! he's sweating abt the fight ??!) Bro ask me am i fake to k @ workplace. I help her coz she work a bit slow that make other mates inconvinence. i used to help. Sat nite now is so busy & Jess is not here. Alan in kitchen to help, David went out for home-delivery, 4 waiters (inc. me stick in take-away counter), so..... where is Willi ???? I'm a bit late to notice that only Willi was staying outside serving over 7- 8 tables . OMG !! (Reli felt sori abt that). I'm not saying K can't help, may be she's still a newbie. Other than that, bro claim that K is so fake in workplace that always praise jess, that's y Jess like her so much. Errr ~ i also got no comments on that.

After v get back to workplace. I got no mood to eat @ all. Am i pretending to be happy ?? I used to, may be. U can't put a sucking face on when u facing the customers. Alan, David & Leo dunno wht had happened & keep asking. Alvin & I said nth happened, K said she crash on sth to get hurt. No one wanna say anything. I dunno whether is approprate to help K or to isolated her. I dun think isolation is a solution, but it seems most of the mates doing that on Sat nite (let the event cool down is neccessary).