2005-04-12 14:51:32傻Q

Double Evils

06/04/05, Elvis 打俾我問我返唔返公司, coz Alan 生日. Alan 好開心我同David 都有返o黎. 不過我o地係無b-day present 俾佢o既. 之後同佢o地去o左South Yarra 度bowling + 打機, 玩完都3am lu, 佢o地之後去princess snooker, 我同David 都無去. very tired, 點解佢o地咁精神 ??? 好耐無坐過Willi 架Type R 啦...... 好掛住佢倒後鏡o個舊飯飯 .

有時同佢o地一齊都幾悶o家....因為佢o地係好Man of the Man.... 一埋位就講車, 講snooker, 講模型, 講打機 .........

07/04/05, 本來諗住返deakin 溫書同搵benny 食lunch 最後太遲起身, 落o左chadston 買o野俾Alan, indeed 佢咁大個男人都唔知送乜好, Leo 最醒送cole myer gift card, 哈哈. Elvis & William 送o左架限量模型車. Anyway i spend lots of money again. Get a cowboy boot finally. i do think need to save some money again. 呢幾個星期已經洗o左400 already, 搵埋都唔夠洗...........

Feeling unhappy this week....... y ? I think for a long time y i'm unhappy. Coz i'm lack of money ? i dunno, but i know if i got money, i can get a car and no need to depend on others. For me, it's so tough to depend on others. I feel reli sori that always need Willi and David drive me back workplace. Indeed itz rite that Alan fired me long time ago as i'm so stupid, even worse than David... If i'm the manager, i'll also hire a guy that can drive. y i'm so poor ??? How come Willi can use thousands dollars to modify his car for a race ? Alan know i'm lack of confidence..... he knew it, but wht ? i work much harder already, still not getting the standard.

Feel very sad that my life seems can't change. Anyway, bro ask Alan to let K to work with us. I dunno wht will happen as i dun reli like K. Wht can I do ?? i feel lots of pressure.

09/04/05, After work, can't stop the sadness. Call Benny, just for crying. I reli felt sori that always cry in front of Benny. Benny can say nth coz my problem need to solved by myself. I just know if not my bro working here, I can't be work in restaurant as long as now.

10/04/05, Work again today with Willi dear. He seems felt happy after the race. Bro ask me to tell Willi to drive them back workplace.

Q: Er.... Willi, can u drive a gal back to work today ? coz there's a new gal start working ......

W: ??? Ha ?! Whose that ?

Q: Errr...... That'z ....that'z a gal .... my bro's gal .... er....

W: ??? Your bro's Gf ?

Q: Er.... No... not reli.... a gal, i dunno how to say..... ><

W: Ooor ~ hahaaa . Your bro's FRIEND !

Q: YEA !

Alan teach K to work in restaurant as he teach me months be4. Anyway, Itz quit busy coz Sunday somehow got many phone calls for takeaway. Quit fun today, Alan is busy to teach K and no time to put an eye on me & Jessie is not here, kakaka. K working here is okay, although i still got a bit rejection on her (i dun want to mix up the personal stuff and working tasks) . At least i won't be bored that got a gal i can chat with in workplace (not always hang around with those guys, chat chat chat on CARs). May be she becomes my motives to learn and work harder.

Is time for me to think positively.

Alan got secret talk with bro these 2 days. Men talks. I dunno wht'z it abt. I dunno how's men deal with this kind of problem (i think it must be different from women). I feel a bit nervious, dunno wht Alan knows, but i just hope he and Elvis can help my bro out.