2005-03-17 17:21:17傻Q


Diary in English again, sori, i reli too tired and not concentrate enough to do anything include typing chinese.

09/03/03. Too busy these days, either in restaurant or uni or.... on sneakers. Last week 2 days partner with Jessie. I made her super angry and i think she's m comes (who knows ?). At the moment, jessie annoied by me, i can did nth coz i'm a bit annoied also. i just did the things followed by my own rules and ignor her. She seems getting more angry. Alan seems can do nth also =_=". yea, get up early today for Lectures. Very tired indeed. All my friends said i become a big Panda.

K pick up Carter and Creamy when she backed melb 0n 07/03/05. nth to say with her, just ask her whether she need to get anything from my house or not. watch "Constantine" in Chadstone. Nice film ~ i love the satan, his character is more like a human. When he knows his sons betray him, his tone and facial expression is ..... i give him a thumb up. Saw 阿銘 & Steven in deakin bookshop last thu. Haven't walk up and say hi, seems not approprate to doing this, isn't it ?!

08/03/05, work with Alan and Willi. YEAH !! no Jessie today ~ and not much customers today. As i still did sth wrong, Alan feeling unhappy not becoz my careless, but becoz of bro Man get me a chick skew after i did sth wrong....... heeeeeee. i dunno wht to say, i put down my skew and gonna help Alan for packing up the leftovers. Alan said no and ask me to finish the food 1st. i said, "Alan, i come here is to help u, but not to increase your work load !". Hahaa ~ he just smile and walk away. yea, I'm silly ~

This week used to work on Fri, Sat & Sun. So i better done my revision and tute work on Thu. Ah ~~~ i want to be healthy and get concentrate.


10/03/05, 同anna, Lam, Polly, Joyce & her friend 去motor show, 雖然唔識車, 不過anna 未去過ma, 本身叫埋Grace 去, 不過佢話no interest on car 喎~ 同場有willi + elvis + monica, 重有David ~ 所有dayoff o既人響motor show 出現~ 我同o左最愛o既jeep 仔影相~ 重有個misubishi o既staff 見我o地對個promote 姐姐有興趣, 就叫佢響個stage 行落o黎同我o地影相, kakaa... 好失禮ay.

11/03/05, alan 好嬲, 因為.... 我同david 一齊返工, 一齊做錯o野. 收工被訓話....之外, 原來danny 都做得唔係好惦. 好似deep fried o個度唔係好得. o個dchicken seems 個surface 黑, but inside is not yet 熟.

12/03/05, david 返到o黎唔記得拎黑鞋換, so 調o左去送take away. tonite 都okay. 不過剛開工, 倒o左coke 俾kitchen, then leo 叫我再拎咖啡俾danny, then alan 再拎咖啡入去, 但係原來之前danny 自己又充o左coke. total 佢手有4 杯o野.... alan 走過o黎話我點解得閒整coffee... 佢一問我都R 晒頭. 點知....... 夜晚david 送完delivery 無o野做, 同文少係咁chat, chat 完出去整咖啡俾文少, 就俾alan 鬧. alan 嬲到倒o左杯short blk, 跟住話, "我倒o左佢都唔俾阿文飲 !". 我同jessie 企響bar 唔敢出聲. alan 走過o黎同我講, "queenie 你都係呀 ~" err...... 另外, today 去拎steam rice, 一開rice cooker.... 兩煲飯都係水o黎o既 ?! danny 竟然煲晒兩煲, ay.... 文少then 裝番d冷飯俾客.....

Anna thinking abt pick up a job in easter period. ask for my opinions. indeed i can say nth, coz i study 3 subj this sem & got financial problem. that's y.... different situation. Anna ask me whether i had tell lies to her. I wonder wht the motion i take to tell lies to her ??! Working is harsh, u will attracted by $$ (materialistic ya). I take it as prac, as experience, as learning, as one of my subj.

PLZ LET ME SAY THAT: 我點撚知你o地班撚樣攪乜~~~ fucccccccck !!! 13/03/05, 無o野做好奇問o下alan kitchen 得一隻cd ? alan replied is.... "唔知喎, 閒事莫理, 知麼?". 我都係是但搵do野o黎up, 我理得佢日日播同一隻cd ~ ! 我get 唔到alan 想講乜. 點q 知alan 同文少又嘈姐, 搵我o黎攪. 兩條人響度難為我. 我真好想同佢講, "我只係知道乜o野叫 - 禍從口出". 好tired, 成日都唔想講o野. this month --> none of my business + no comments. elvis 同boss 又撞到正, 兩個無o野講, elvis 都係俾面alan 先返o黎幫手. 妖 ~ o個度班男人好煩lor.... 又小家, 又要面 ! 文少tonite 收工飯又講錯o野, 話danny 同佢bro & sis 完全唔似樣, danny 即刻bear 住佢, alan 插o左句, "當然啦, 人邊會一模一樣樣". 我想訓.... willi 食完煙呆o左, elvis 起身聽電話 (coz boss sit next to him to have dinner). 好怪, 有d恐怖o既一晚. 完全唔知班男人想點 ........... 心病係好troublesome, 是非 + 小人, 滾開 ~

15/03/05, 一朝早anna 話去chadstone, 佢講我知先記得得我要renew medibank, 咁又洗o左aus $256. 苦....... anyway, 公司俾好大pressure 我. 有時真係pressure 大到唔想返去. 下午 oakleigh traffic jam, late. 要leo 同willi 等我tim . 我都覺得奇, y tue 都要咁多waiter, 原來 alan 唔返, so 我又無得問佢拎返日糧.... 一日都係我衰... 連自己返o左幾多日都唔記得 =_=" 唉 ~ 點開口好呢 ?! tonite 好得閒, 全晚得3 檯人. 我o地響度行行企企, 睇magnize. 我同danny 就響度摺紙. 文少依然好少出聲, 不其然令我諗起alan 唔知同佢講o左d乜, 而我又唔知俾乜反應.

16/03/05, week 3 依然上9am 堂唔成工, ay ~ 唔知點解今日有預感, 返公司會俾人鬧咁, 好不祥o個隻feel, 死啦, 好驚alan, 唔知佢幾時黑面, 又唔知佢會誤會我d乜. 呢期安份守紀, 唔再響公司攪攪震 +低調 ~ 真係唔知有乜係佢睇唔順眼. i'm nervious on wht will happen in the next few days. 我知worry 都無用, 希望係我自己多心啦. go to boxhill today with bro in break-time. saw ming in restaurant, saw his back. 有時我響度諗, 係佢唔想見到我, 定係唔想我見到佢, 定係佢完全見唔到我...... 我諗最尾o個個可能性較大. Grace now 響knox city o既包店度做, 佢俾o左一大袋bread 俾我.... 我諗我同阿哥食2 weeks 都可以. 去o左South Yarra 501 有party 賣sample sneakers, 我有invitation card 不過無去, coz 唔想再queue up, dun wanna do resell either. 不過阿哥就去o左, however even he queue in 1st place, still can get a pair of sucks (i dun like that leborn james air force). y ? coz shitty jeff push behind lor.......... that's prove queue up

Benny 依然煩緊佢dream gal - winki ho o既o野, 做朋友仔o既我, 無乜o野可以做, may be 唔係個個好似我咁recover 得咁快. 現實d可能係必需o既. 唔係belongs to 自己o既o野, 搶o黎做乜 ? 放手, 睇遠一d, 當放過自己lor ~ i still encouraging my friends to grab their gals, but.... how abt me ?? 我都有target o家, 不過.... hahaa ~ 呢個時候我想過d安定o既日子. 有時有do野... do suitable things, in suitable time & places to approprate person.