2005-02-16 14:06:50傻Q

How to Smooth out my Life ?

08/02/05, the lunar new yr eve, still need to back to seasons. No motorbike to ride on coz elvis drives me with Lawance's car. Alan scolds me @ the very beginning, coz I’m not in mood that my exam still not yet prepared well. It's too sleepy 4 me that have few hours to sleep every nite in this week. Until he ask,

“When your bro got back HK?”


“He got exam on 11th ?”

“Nope, on 10th. “

“How come u no need to study summer course but still stay here?”

“I do, do the same subj with my bro, also got exam on the same day.”

Er.... he finally knows wht happens. He really dunno I got exam. Alan get me a coffee later that cheer me up. However today I reali need to learn receiving phone calls. Alan said I’m too scare. Yep, sure I’m, your manager supervise your phone call wor !!! I dunno will he put me in take away sector on fri / sat or not ><. I do think Alan is a gd manager. He told me that he wanna back HK to get better opportunity in his career. However he get married now and used to take care his parents, he can’t leave Australia. It seems like a dragon swim in the shallow beach. I partly understand his feelings, may be I’m still not yet go through his stage. Somehow be single may have more free time to do whtever u like, to chase your own dreams without responsibilities / burden. Alan, this guy is quit nice (but on the other hand, for my insecurity reasons, even Elvis, I also putting a wall in between). The society is too complex that create some kind of illusion. You treat others gd not representing they will do u flavors. Especailly in work place.

Bro man diu me that I’m drinking coffee while I dun get him a short blk. Ya ~~ I still dunno how to make coffee le. I just told him, after I learn it, I will get him one immediately. He is still diu-ing lol ………….. hahhaaa ~ It’s free today. Not much customers today (a contra with Fri / Sat nite). I can get my clear mind back.

Continue my study, I dun wanna fail, especially in summer semester. And sori that i'm too busy and due to compu error, i just can type my diary in English.

10/02/05, gonna go to Tab @ 3am with bro, coz bro will back HK 4 a month in that early morning. Nearly arrive Tab, bro fell from his skate-bike, got hurts all over his hands & waist. He said he need to go to ER. i disagree with that. Anyway, v get there, but coz he got no photo ID in his wallet + without medibank card. Since all the overseas students used to get one, v afraid the immargation department will notify that. v left ER finally. Call elvis to bring the bandages to him.

11/02/05, Unhappy, very Depress. Poor performance, seems no hope to be improved. Dun wanna disappointing others. But i just feel i can do nth to get rid of the problem. Lucky Mic was with me on that nite. Thks ~ Alan gonna 2 diu me as i just like dream around in restaurant. May be too tired after exam. Ah ~ Bro man ask me do i need him to accompany with @ nite as i'll feel lonely without my bro. my reply is .... "whtever u like".

12/02/05, feel much better, Alan still asking wht happen on me. i say nth on wht i had did yesterday. i dunno how to explain. so just left some question marks to Alan. Restaurant is fun tonite. customers tonite is fun & happy ~ i love it. However, i got some underlying risks there due to misunderstanding by others again. But i'll overcome it be4 march ! As a female, I know i can't say that. But i still need to say is .... Women ar reli troublesome. Very troublesome + terrible. Dun try to challenge a woman, coz her courage & strength will out of your expectations. I better say i like to work with guys rather than ladies. They ar much simple. To a great extend, i hate to sit next to someone who is too "8" & tend to hit u @ the back. wht a Fucking Bitch ?!

13/05/05, go out city alone, wanna to get refreshment - shopping ~ buy 2 new clothers & ear-rings. Chinatown got new yr celebration & loads of ppl there ~ i walked around in city, indeed wanna get grace out, but she need to work. While others getting flowers on their hands (V-daycelebration), guess wht i get ? I'm holding a chinese new yr windmile. hahahaa ^ ^

14/02/05, feeling happy to be single. Really free ^ ^ Watch movie alone again today - Alfie. Ha ~ seems just heard Benny said love to be single, but tonite he said he gonna date the gal he like, kakaka ~~ Another prove that dun trust wht men said. Argue with him again, just wanna diu him until he off9. He is a guy that i always dunno wht he is thinking. Talking and doing things without any motions ?! it is true that i supected him. i dunno when he is telling me the truth / lies. i think.... if i can't trust someone, better not suit to be friends.

P.S. wanna listen Bee Gees - I started a joke. Better call Geto sing to me next sat.

2月15號, 一返去alan 話last week俾少o左日人工我 ~ 佢say o左sori 好多次. 俾elvis force 我去分dishes, 佢話我要practice o下. 文少好得閒咁響度同我chat….. 點知alan 無啦啦入o黎(我諗住佢同緊elvis chat tim), 我以為佢話我咁得閒chat o野, 原來… 佢叫我叫kitchen 上菜, 不過….. 文少咪響我前面囉……. 佢點o左我入去叫郭師傅炒o野, 郭師傅無反應囉 ~___~ . 出到o黎文少同alan 笑人, 我又俾佢o地玩 >< , 衰 ! fri & sat 依舊無人洗碗, alan 怪jason 咁遲出聲唔做. 怪埋我, 叫我fri 去洗…… diu, 又related to me ? I’m not very close with Jason 啦. 我一句車埋去, 我都唔知佢唔做, 佢搬出city 住我都唔係知o左好耐. 成鬼日賴我, 我 + 阿哥同alan 講o左hundreds times that v ar not live with Jason. Hell ! 文少同阿求 force 我洗碗 …………….. dun wanna to wash ya eeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!! I call alvin since ar hing is still in HK. alvin said he is free in sat, but gonna take public transport there. so I ask him "haven't u got a car?". he say yea. Now dunno ya, just tell alvin that try to work a day 1st. If u dun like it, just quit. I'm reli in trouble..... i dunno when I've given a "blk saucepan" on my back ! Fuck ~ i'm innocent, scare if alvin reli work in kitchen, if he did bad, I'll get another saucepan lol. Now, facing 2 evils @ one time, i just can choose the less evil one.

Alan 近來呆呆o地, 今日有d怪, whole restaurant 只係得我響度做o野, coz alan got a phone call which talk long hours. Later, 我接到有個電話搵佢, so I hand the phone to him, 但係佢面有難色, 跟住問我 : “女人o黎o家? “ 我話唔係. 佢好似relex 番d. Tonite 打俾阿哥, 佢ask me abt wht the workplace happen ? so I tell him this event. 阿哥個回應係…. “alan 今次玩大o左”. 咁係人都知乜o野事啦. 之前有個女仔叫may姐 from malay 響公司到做. 其實大家都知佢同alan 有do野. Then may 姐先個月grad back o左malay. May be 真係玩大o左. Umm… 唔知呢 ~ 阿哥話alan 唔應該咁, 因為佢結o左婚, 有兩個好cute o既女. My view : 無話得唔得o既, 有gf 可以咁攪, 無人話有老婆唔玩得….. just c how much risk u could take. If u think loss your family is no problem, just do it. 唔知呢 ~ alan 響我眼中係一個幸福o既男人. My boss got loads of women outside also, last time bro discuss that with me. 阿哥話: “boss 個二奶對佢好好, 成日叫boss 注意健康...“, then I told my bro, every women can did that, even boss original wife can did that, 只係boss 成日唔響屋企, 個老婆點對佢好??! 我boss 係一個funny o既男人, funny 在佢有咁多二奶三奶, 佢重會出去叫ya ma dei (=______=)” .

GOD ~ Would u mind to tell me how i can smooth out my life ? bless me ya !