2005-01-21 09:45:50傻Q

All in English .....

After we make any decision, v need to did our best ..... yea v can't take 2. v must move fwd.

Today go out with Anna, just 2 of us. Business talk today, coz both of us wanna earn some money. v plan to sell sth in uni / shopping mall. We think that the rent in shopping mall and sunday market ar quit expensive. It is difficult 4 us to retain our cost. I dunno it works or not. I wanna ask 4 more opinions since there will have some unexpected cases happen @ anytime. As polly said e-commerce is popular nowadays, it's not nessary to have an physical retail location. I doubt this, but i'm also trying to do business on internet now, c wht way is the rite way. Anna told me she wanna be a boss rather than an employees. I admire her. My dream = a flat; Anna's dream = several flats. Is it because she's major in Finance ? So keen on investments.

Also, anna offer me her posting job. it's a harsh job. Need to walk from Clayton to Huntingdale, and put the catalog (junk mail) in ppl' mail box. The catalog is extremly heavy ~ a supermarket cart is required to finish the job ~ All this working are just for $14 - $17. i dunno i can do this, may be just try ~ Brain said being a prostitute can earn $300 - $500 per nite. Is it better to be McNuggets rather than a post-woman??! Both job require human strength.... but in diff prices ya ~

In the evening, Bro call me that the restaurant manager permit me to try to work as waitress. I'm happy that i have an oppotunities to earn some $$ from others pocket. But on the other hand, I feel anxious that i'm too stupid to finish my job and bad in English. I dunno wht is the new environment and ppl I will face ......... Lucky Elvis is working there too, hope it helps. aiya >< CONFIDENCE~~~ where ar u ah ?

These days ar busy on my retail business and my fucking MSC347. wanna watch Alfie ... Jude law is so so so HANDSOME in the film.

Start working in the restaurant on 20/01/2005. Got a big headach after work. It seems a nitemire for me. Loads to remember and still have loads to learn in the next few days. I definatly done sth wrong in my 1st day job, e.g. minteral water become tape water, pour bits of the red wine on the table (wasting the customer's wine, arr ~~~). Manager haven't scold me, but he said i need to be socialize. I'm too excited that i will done sth wrong. Meet the restaurant owner yesterday but he seems not really satisfy my working attitude (may be I'm thinking too much ?!). Hope i can catch up asap. Still dunno how to get the dishes from kitchen. + oil, QQ must get to the standard. CHEERZ ~~~~ Hope I can work like Monica and Elvis.

P.S. sori that i still excited after working in the restaurant and dun wanna type the nitemire out in chinese again ~~~~ I better improve my English. Too lazy in summer hoilday.