2003-03-09 00:47:36視覺系動物

[CNN] Mouth v. Ears

2003 MAR 7, 半個月就來一次的HANS BLIX在UN報告又來了......唉......(又去看電影啦: STATE & MAIN-慾望小鎮, WILLIAM H. MACY)

NEWSbiz TODAY, 如常-普普. BIZNEWS, 開心的開場, 大概因為是週末到了, HALA在哼音樂說, 結果一大早的財經分析就讓RICHARD喊TIME OUT了, 一個約3分鐘的段落讓他在早上5:30(GMT)不到就exhausted, 這段分析的熱度不適合這麼一大早. also QUEST hits 41 this sunday. BUSINESS CENTRAL, 今天是HALA播, 比起來她報財經比較弱, 特別是訪問的時候, 不過今天這種news鐵定比biz多的日子, 也多半是她了啦, 當看到RICHARD在做新片的訪問就心裡有數了.

ASIA TONIGHT/BIZASIA, 其實今天的各地連線更多, 特別的日子, 特別的角度處理, 更別提每個整點的G.W.BUSH, BIZ正常一些, MIKE CHINOY又來台灣做報導了, 繼昨天的大陸新娘後, 今天是盜版...... 沒有BUSINESS international, 因為UN轉播, YOUR WORLD TODAY也在10:30就直接開始了, WORLD NEWS EUROPE/WORLD BUSINESS TODAY, "...it's the first time in many hours, you get a weather update..."-氣象FEMI OKE, 對啊, LIVE了近6個小時. ALI談到麥當勞要推出有7種生菜的沙拉, 當他還在想哪湊得出7種生菜時, 其實他還是決定"stick to the double cheese burger." 收盤很普通, 只是CHARLES又卡住啦: "...the trading floo - the floor, the floo, the trading floor..."

LOU DOBBS MONEYLINE, 今天是NEWS篇幅佔多數的一天, 最後倒是EDITORS' CIRCLE因為等不到IAEA的執行長來專訪所以難得的延長了一個段落. NEWSNIGHT with AARON BROWN, 仍然是只有最後20分鐘的趣味啊...而且最誇張的是畫面下方的新聞短訊就只剩NEWS了, BIZ跟SPORTS都不跑了. 還好有讀報: [BROWN: All right, time for tomorrow morning's papers around the country and around the world. And I must tell you, this is my worst nightmare, because, basically, every headline is the same But here we go...] SEGMENT 7倒是擺了一段TALK SHOW夠精采: [BROWN: Finally tonight: an old-fashioned fable about a very modern crisis. It's told by CNN's Michael Sholder (ph), not to a classroom of kids, but to a roomful of grownups at a comedy club in Atlanta. In this case, it's the grownups who might need the lesson the most, a story about words.

And it begins with a story.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Basically, with the whole Iraq situation, I was thinking about this old story about a king. And the king calls in the best hunter in the land and tells him, I want the milk of a lioness. Go out and get it.

So, the hunter goes out, runs really fast, catches the lioness, milks her, gets out alive. Bringing the milk back to the palace, an argument erupts among his body parts. And the legs say, we are the most important body part, because we caught that lioness for you. And the hands say, no, no, we're the most important body part. We milked the lioness for you.

And the ears say, ah, without us, you wouldn't have heard the king's order. And the mouth says, I'm the most important body part. The other body parts double over with laughter. What did you mean, mouth? You had nothing to do with this.

So they get back to the palace. The king welcomes the hunter in. He says, did you get me what I demanded? The hunter says, yes, your highness, I got you the milk of a pig.

The milk of a pig? Off with your head. The other body parts panic. Mouth, what do you say? You're going to get us killed. The mouth says, now, what's the most important body part?


DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France. I don't. I think that's old Europe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, one's mouth can certainly work against one's interests. That remark from Secretary Rumsfeld dismissing France and Germany as old Europe and other Rumsfeld comments like it, may -- may -- have hurt the Bush administration's efforts to build an alliance for a hard-line approach towards Iraq.

JOHN KING, CNN SR. WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Perhaps this sentiment best summed up by Prime Minister Aznar of Spain during his visit to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas. We are told, in a private discussion -- and Prime Minister Aznar has talked about this publicly -- that he turned to the president and said, when communicating on this issue, the Europeans would prefer much more Powell, much less Rumsfeld.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the end, though, words can only go so far in shaping policy. The mouth cannot do it alone. One more note: In "The New York Times," a top Russian official is quoted as saying: "We are prepared for a compromise, but what kind of compromise can you have if the U.S. doesn't want to hear anybody?" If the U.S. doesn't want to hear anybody, maybe the most important body part is the ears.

(END VIDEOTAPE) ] [FROM: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0303/07/asb.00.html ]