2022-03-18 21:07:45kukuni2598

Fortnite or Apex Legends?

Fortnite was first released in July 2017 at Epic Games on Unreal Engine. The game quickly gained popularity among people aged 15-50 years.

What is special about this game?
There are many features in the game. One of them is that you can build huge and tall buildings in order to beat the enemy and defeat him. Materials required for construction are bricks, metal and wood. Each material has a different resistance to damage. To extract these materials, each player has a pickaxe. One of the main features is Fortnite account Galaxy skin. Why? See Below :) 

Apex Legends

The main logic of Apex is no different from the above described game. The only thing that can be distinguished from these two games is the characters. Apex Legends has characters with a specific skill. Each character has a passive skill, an active skill and an ultimate. All champions are balanced, it cannot be said that one is better than the other, the developers will not allow this. What do me and my friends like about this game? The only thing all gamers are after is Apex Legends Account with Wraith Kunai. Have you seen what a beautiful and rare item it is? You have to play too long to have a chance to get it. The odds are one in a million, which is a shame, but it makes the game more enjoyable. 

Article from: https://rndplace.com