2019-07-03 01:45:25ksewesi2eggi

【超人氣產品】Mutsy多功能兒童推車i2 信用卡限時刷卡折扣













Mutsy Multi-Functional Stroller i2 設計式樣: Pure Fog · 2019

The multi-functional stroller i2 by the Dutch manufacturer Mutsy is the successor of the former Igo. High riding comfort and a luxurious design make this compact pushchair one of a kind.

The lightweight aluminium chassis can be folded with sports seat in a quick and easy way while the smooth-running buttons on the push bar facilitate folding the i2. Thanks to the folding lock you will get a compact package perfect for transport.

Shock-absorbing foam tyres and a built-in front wheel suspension provide plenty of riding comfort even on bumpy roads. The unique front wheel suspension with anti-wheel lift function keeps the wheels safely on the ground - even with rotational movements, the i2 can still be manoeuvred easily.

The soft padded sports seat is suitable for children at the age of 6 months and up, and can be used in a rear-facing or forward-facing mode. The footrest and backrest are adjustable up to a lying position, which makes it ideal for always finding the right sitting position for your child. A seat belt that can be adjusted in three different height levels grows with your child and protects him/her from falling out of the seat. The extendable sun canopy keeps away direct sunlight and draughts from your little one.

You can also combine the Mutsy buggy with a matching carrycot (not included in delivery) or an infant car seat (adaptors available as accessories) and use the chic i2 chassis right from birth.

The Mutsy i2 is designed in a way that makes the use of it both comfortable and back-friendly for you. The carrycot is placed relatively high on i2's chassis so that you can lift your baby out of the stroller in a much easier way. The high adjustability of the backrest, the height-adjustable push bar and the lightweight chassis contribute to a simple handling.

The i2 is available in three different designs. The Urban Nomad collection is 折價卷characterised by durable fabrics that come in natural colours. The outer fabrics of the Pure line are made of 100% recycled PET and the inner fabric is made of 100% cotton. High-end materials and exclusive details are the main features of the elegant heritage collection. The safety bar and push bar of all three designs feature a trendy cognac colour that add a special touch to the i2.


  • Available in three colours

  • With cognac-coloured safety bar and push bar

  • Luxurious pushchair for children from 6 months and up

  • Can be combined with carrycot or infant car seat

  • Height-adjustable 5-point safety belt

  • Sprung, 360° swivelling front wheels

  • Adjustable backrest and footrest

  • Expandable sun canopy

  • Seat unit can be used in rear-facing or forward-facing mode

  • Front suspension with anti-wheel lift - front wheels remain on the ground when being turned

  • Can be folded to compact size even with sports seat

  • Height of push bar: 104-110 cm

  • Dimensions of unfolded chassis: L 74 x W 59 x H 104 cm

  • Dimensions of folded chassis: L 71 x W 59 x H 39 cm

  • Weight of chassis 9.4 kg

  • Weight of sports seat 4.1 kg消耗品










: 本日刷卡折扣

台苯股臨會 改在高雄福華飯店舉行 (圖)

: 台苯公司2日董事會通過由市場派董事林文淵提議,本月底股臨會地點改在高雄福華飯店舉行,圖為林文淵在董事會結束後步出會場。

中央社記者韋樞攝 108年1月2日


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