2009-02-23 20:18:37PrincessKrizia


原來已有一大段時間沒有寫日記了..haha..是因為有好幾次想寫..但又唔記得username n password..ai..真係冇記性la....

um..2009年..開始了個多月..已發生了許多的事..有countdown la..有korea visit la..有sprite"s wedding la..又有appraisal la..coming friday n saturday又有parents day..好攰..但好多都開心gei..

um..不過今年個valentine"s day..就差一點la..不過又唔知點解個個都唔信我冇bf..ai..明明e+就係冇la..

仲有ms.mak ling ling又話我今年會比小動物咬..係ar..都真係比小bobo n fd"s puppy 咬了比次..好在冇受傷..

countdown都幾開心..仲同wing合作整蛋糕..仲好delicate tim~

kroea visit..就百感交集..好開心見番soo kyoung n her family n her fd n her bf..但係d timing就........我都唔識講..總之就係有d sad..


sprite"s wedding party had just passed..its warm n happy to celebrate it w/ ex classmates..luckily that i was not go there by self..otherwise i must be lost in tin shui wai..haha..

about the appraisal is ok..

and the parents days..hope it would be ok la..

and i'm now looking forwrd to the bbq gathering~*

aiya..this blog"s functions are changed alot..i think i need some time to try more..