2008-07-01 15:02:27彩霞仙子
Dr. Lee ..
Dear my FPY students,
I’m telling you that I would leave IVE (Tsing Yi) and start my new academic appointment in the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on September. I would like to say goodbye to all of you and wish you every success in further study or your new career in the future.
By the way, you may also help me to inform other your classmates about my leaving.
Dr. Lee
Dr. Lee...雖然我都係一個將會離開IVE 既人但係唔之點解我都好唔捨得你...~>.<~...不過你走係0岩架....唔駛再比經理佢欺壓!!
I’m telling you that I would leave IVE (Tsing Yi) and start my new academic appointment in the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on September. I would like to say goodbye to all of you and wish you every success in further study or your new career in the future.
By the way, you may also help me to inform other your classmates about my leaving.
Dr. Lee
Dr. Lee...雖然我都係一個將會離開IVE 既人但係唔之點解我都好唔捨得你...~>.<~...不過你走係0岩架....唔駛再比經理佢欺壓!!