2006-04-21 16:12:16羅拔
Farewell Train

I buy a ticket and wait
For a non-stop train
How I wish I could
Leave my pains behind
My hairs fall and turn grey
My skin shrinks and I walk
With heavy steps
No, no, no more time for waiting
This time I only want to stay
Staring long at the mirror
I try to find myself but lose instead
In the vacuum I realize
Never have I got off the train
Running on the railway named today
For a non-stop train
How I wish I could
Leave my pains behind
My hairs fall and turn grey
My skin shrinks and I walk
With heavy steps
No, no, no more time for waiting
This time I only want to stay
Staring long at the mirror
I try to find myself but lose instead
In the vacuum I realize
Never have I got off the train
Running on the railway named today