2005-12-05 22:44:45kom

i like a girl..

i fall in love with a girl....in my 19years
few communication but i just can’t let it go..
somebody will move out in the following days...
can i live with u ...
i know u think it’s impossible..
but i still insist..
u know i don’t want to leave u ..
where is ur direction that is also mine..
where u intend to move in ..i take the next step..
u stay i stay..
no other shit reasons , cuz i love u so much...

when the night comes, where is my love
when the day comes, like daymare...
i don’t expect any ..
cuz i afraid of frustration
cuz i cried to many times in the day and night..
dry dream..but still my dream...
heartburn hurts me...when i cry excited..
it’s like some kind of cancer...
can’t let it go ..
i will scratch u until i can’t cry any...