2013-03-20 15:12:39klsnebbks

rest of the week

I cannot believe I have only two months left!  As uncomfortable as I am at times, I just have to keep reminding myself that at this time last year I was so disappointed and frustrated that I wasn't pregnant yet.  

We are starting on the nursery this weekend - I know most people are done by this point but we have been waaaay too busy to get anything done.  We are going to Ikea this weekend to get the crib and dresser.  Hopefully we will be able to paint soon.  The hubby isn't worried about that part - but that makes me worry more since he isn't worried that means he'll put if off until the last minute (or forever...).  

I took my one hour glucose test in the afternoon and failed it.  I'm not sure why they even let people take it in the afternoon, I'm pretty sure everyone who takes it in the afternoon fails.  I ate eggs, cucumbers and nuts in the early morning and still failed!  So I had to do the three hour test (and take off an entire day of work) and I passed every reading.  Ugh, such a waste of time.  Next time I will definitely do the one hour fasting first thing in the morning and then still have time to go back to work so I don't lose a day.

School is going well so far.  I have students who like to talk, but at this point I think it is impossible to get those who don't.  There are no overly rude students, so I can handle what I have.  The large classes make me feel like I am grading non-stop and never get caught up, but the students will just have to be patient.  I don't bring work home unless it is a dire need, so they can wait an extra day to get their paper back, it won't kill them.  

Alrighty, I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! 

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