2001-10-17 00:20:09kitten

The Child Slips Away~~消逝的小孩

It’s all so clear, who you’re come to be
You know yourself, your identity
When suddenly comes a little child
A precious smile
Bcomes the heart
Of who you are

Your hold in yours, such a tiny hand
And speak so osft, would he understand
That no matter where in this crazy world
His sails unfurl
He’ll never be
Too far from me

Ah,but there world come a day
When that child slips away
When autumn fell, and the wars bgan
To take his hand
Away from me
How can this be

So you return to your old neighborhood
And walk the streets of your childhood
How those memories they come rushing in
To live again
The very heart
Of who you are

You still recall how it made you feel
Just you and dad and no training wheels
Wind in your face on that special day
To hear him say
”I’m letting go”
”You’re on your own”

Ah,but there would come a day
When that child slips away
When,at thirty years there’s another one
Who would call you ”son”
How can this be
What’s wrong with me

I’ll turn my face to the open sea
Ahead of me
And learn to ride
The changing tide

Ah,but there world coma a day~~~
Ah,but there world come a day~~~~

這是一首 Matthew Lien的歌,
Matthew Lien是個很感性的人,往往聽他的曲、歌,我都會有很多的感觸,一個心裡充滿愛的人,看到的世界竟是如此的遼闊。
