2007-03-17 09:10:09皮兒


作詞:胡彥斌/周嘉寧 作曲:胡彥斌 編曲:胡彥斌

I Love the Sun 它讓我讓我奢侈想像
Let me Let me 天堂飛翔
I Love the Rain 它讓我 雲端抱定夢想
Make me Make me 更愛勇敢更堅強

Pretty Crush on me 感覺特別亮
愛是我的生活 有了可樂和麵包
曾經的跌倒 統統都拋掉
愛是我的自豪 還有瘋狂的口號

Loving Loving 年青愛要狂
Give me Give me 吾語最囂張

轉載來自 ※Http://www.mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
Loving Loving you can be on my heart
Call me crazy baby don’t be shy

Loving Loving 青春輸不掉
Give me Give me 激情在奔跑

Loving Loving till you’ll always love yourself
Everyone Everyday Everything we can do it right
Please take me to the sky

Repeat All Once


take me to the sky

i love the sun it makes my heart on fire
let me let me flying over the sky
i love the rain it makes me feel sorrow
make me make me dare to fight dare to love
pretty crush on me brightness of love
love is the life with heart and soul
been the fool of love i’d get rid of it
love is the life with heart and soul
loving loving don’t be hesitate
giving me giving me give me all i need
loving loving you can be on my heart
call me crazi baby don’t be shy
loving loving don’t be hesitate
get it get it get it all the way
loving loving till you’ll always love yourself
everyong everyday everything we can do it right
please take me to the sky