2007-04-25 03:30:28 -..﹒皇’儀.’
That bitch is always copy my idea!!
Wt disagreeable behavior.
I don’t want condemn ur foolish behavior,
but ur behavior seem unreasonable.
Wt the hell do u want??
u must decide everything for urself.
Don’t be fucking silly u bitch!
Plz don’t overestimate urself.
Go back to the Mars!!
Do u understand wt I mean??
I slept very badly last night,
and I’ll have a date tmr.
So I should go sleep,
cos It’s too late for bed now.
That bitch is always copy my idea!!
Wt disagreeable behavior.
I don’t want condemn ur foolish behavior,
but ur behavior seem unreasonable.
Wt the hell do u want??
u must decide everything for urself.
Don’t be fucking silly u bitch!
Plz don’t overestimate urself.
Go back to the Mars!!
Do u understand wt I mean??
I slept very badly last night,
and I’ll have a date tmr.
So I should go sleep,
cos It’s too late for bed now.