電動滑板自行車 Electric scooter
Somebody to feeling the scooter(kickbike or footbike) difficult to kicking or hard riding, if you can to do some improve to electric power then can to enjoy the glide fun.
I to modify my original kickbike to electric power in front wheel, it is to add about 5kg weights in bike include battery, motor and all components need, but can easily to go to mountain and kicking to long distance, although power depletion and then can easy to kicking back, the motor hub can to rolling smooth too.
The bellow is my modify picture:
Complete electric bike (整車樣式)
All modify parts (所有的改裝零件)
250W, 24V, CE motor, it is lightweight and can to have enough power, the motor 2200 grams only. (250W, 24V, CE 電動超強馬達,輕量化,只有2.2kg)
Power control handlebar (電控車把)
24V, 8.6ah battery and battery charge (100V-240V), the battery and battery box 1660 grams only. (24V, 8.6ah 鋰電池 1.66kg, 100-24V 充電器)
Drive control system (行車控制電腦)
We can supply all improve components to you if you to interesting to electric bike, the components including: complete front wheel (assemble finished of motor + spokes + rim + tire) and front fork, complete handlebar (assemble finishes of handlebar + stem + power off lever + speed up grips + electric power monitor), battery system (assemble finished of lithium battery + battery bag + control system + electric wire).
So, when you to do the original bike modify is easy, just to take off handlebar and front fork from head set and then can to assembling to new one, and you can to have two different bikes, one is original bike, and one is electric bike, because you can easy to change and assembling both bike in short time.
If you to interesting to electric components, please to contact to us:
E-mail: kickbiketerry@hotmail.com ; kickbike58@yam.com
Tel: +886-932065379
Contact: Terry Lee