2017-02-16 17:41:41kfsdgte





1.A student tried to extract lead from lead(II) oxide.He placed 10.0g of lead(II) oxide and 10.0g of carbon powder in a crucible and heated the mixture with a Bunsen flame.bii)Suggest ONE observation for the reaction.Ci)Determine which reagent is in excess.cii)Calculate the maximum mass of lead that... 顯示更多 1.A student tried to extract lead from lead(II) oxide.He placed 10.0g of lead(II) oxide and 10.0g of carbon powder in a crucible and heated the mixture with a Bunsen flame. bii)Suggest ONE observation for the reaction. Ci)Determine which reagent is in excess. cii)Calculate the maximum mass of lead that could be obtained. In face,the student only obtained 7.10g of lead. di)Calculate the percentage yield of the reaction. dii)Suggest ONE reason why the student cannot get the maximum mass of lead.


1.A student tried to extract lead from lead(II) oxide.He placed 10.0g of lead(II) oxide and 10.0g of carbon powder in a crucible and heated the mixture with a Bunsen flame. bii)Suggest ONE observation for the reaction. silvery solid is given out Ci)Determine which reagent is in excess. Consider the equation: 2 PbO + C → 2Pb + CO2 atomic mass of PbO = 207+16 = 223g/mol 10g PbO =10/223=0.045mol atomic mass of C = 12 10g C = 10/12 = 0.83 mol from the equation, mol of C : mol of PbO = 1:2 so only 0.022 mol C will react ∴C is the reagent in excess cii)Calculate the maximum mass of lead that could be obtained. because 10g PbO = 0.045 mol PbO so 0.045 mol Pb can be obtained 0.045 mol Pb =0.045*207=9.28 g In face,the student only obtained 7.10g of lead. di)Calculate the percentage yield of the reaction. 7.10/9.28*100%=76.5% dii)Suggest ONE reason why the student cannot get the maximum mass of lead. Only the lead oxide on the surface react with carbon. The lead oxide deep inside can not contact with cabon to carry out reaction.


