2004-09-25 19:49:01kelly=^.^=

Back to fellowship

Today I woke up early, at about 9:30am, still, i was late and needed to call and delate my tutorial with the F.2. Today also teaching IS, its about the development at the stage of pubicty, quite embrassing topic to discuss and talk to him, as he said I was quite shy to tell about this. Of coz la, I am not so open ga ma. I still remember my first time to talk about this to a P.5 girl, who asked me numerous questions, and this time it is betterThe boy's questions are quite difficult. Some Qs like whether the safe period of day 14-28 is really safe to girl or would a girl get pregnant, how to guess when menstruation is coming and wt needs to be done, and argue with me that using condom is well-prepared enough, and told me that his elder brother's friend tried it twice and still safe, wah , so open ge~~ Many ppl buy 太太口服液, I say it is for 更年期婦女,心煩、氣躁, but he asked why his mother ate it when she was only 30 around, haha, really quite funny, luckily his father and grandma were outside, otherwise i wont be able to talk and discuss so many la.

In the afternoon, I also got late to back to fellowship, around 2:15pm, the message was delivered by a new tutor, but i forgot her name. Luke is almost seperated, and today many came back , 孫姑 said her feelings about the felowship, till today i figured out the meaning of Luke, which means intelligence and elite and it originated from a doctor. she cited 希伯來書to imply that all of us need to have growth, 亁糧定係奶,which one do I need???Actually, the answer quickly comes to my mind. Someone asked how we grow in Luke??2 years but still, I dun know. We flash back wt we have had in Luke. However, I think I should pay and gain more in Luke. i think I am not so dedicated to a certain extent.

This is my thoughts.