AFCS安全剎車控制器 “AFCS” Anti-falling Brake Control System
全新專利設計的AFCS防翻車剎車控制器是當前MTB V剎車款的安全剎車良伴,具有以下優點:
2. 前剎車力道大於後剎車力道.
3. 單手可以完全控制前後剎車的時間與力道.
4. 讓安全剎車距離有效的縮減.
5. 安全剎車不打滑.
6. 當你碰到危險狀況時不用去考慮先用哪一手的剎車器,只要兩手同時緊剎AFCS會發揮最安全的的剎車動做.
The New “AFCS” Anti-falling Brake Control System introduction
Sadly, falls are a common experience in the biking world. They most often occur while riding downhill or in emergency situations where brakes are used suddenly. More experienced riders are obviously better able to avoid these types of bad situations. But anyone can get spooked and use their brakes poorly in a scary spot. Regardless of experience, a pressure situation increases the likelihood of front wheel brake errors, or the force supplied to the front wheel brake being greater than the force supplied to the rear.
But brake-related falls cannot be completely blamed on incorrect brake use. There are innate causes of greater force being applied to the front wheel brake than to the back wheel brake. A principal cause is the variance in distances between the handlebar and the front and rear brakes. The rear brake is obviously much farther away from its brake lever. The force exerted on the brake levers thus takes much longer to reach the rear brake. An additional cause is that the longer cable to the rear brake will absorb some of the force, and less force will be exerted on the rear brake. Even if you do focus on keeping everything in control, serious problems such as the above can arise in emergency situations.
The best way to solve these problems is by using a mechanical system to control the time difference and force applied to the front/rear brake combination. In the past many manufacturers have made great efforts to do this, designing a variety of mechanical control systems. They have failed for many reasons. Some systems weren’t sensitive enough; others couldn’t retract and would get stuck clamped onto the wheel. The manufacturers of still other designs couldn’t figure out how to control the time difference.
This year we have designed a patented system that uses a completely new method of control. It solves all of these problems: sensitivity, time difference, and force. It is capable of increase the force applied to the rear brake! It shortens the brake distance, and increases the speed at which the rear brake is applied. Perhaps the most beneficial aspect is that it doesn’t let the front wheel instantly lock. Even if you use your most powerful grip to pull the brake, this system can still effectively control the braking time and power differential.
So, welcome to testing our “AFCS” Anti-Falling brake Control System, which regulates the time difference between front and rear brake application, and adjusts power the power applied to the brakes for maximum safety. Even in sudden braking situations, when the front and rear brake levers are pulled at the same time at full force, the braking effect will be that of a unified system. This system eliminates the risk of falling due to brake errors.
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TeL: +886-932065379 Terry Lee