2005-10-11 08:03:36YING CHIH FANG
The Day of Celebration of Nation
94 years old, hua? The first time in the capptal during the period of celebration of nation. The president is nearby of only 3km apart. Today I finish a comprehensive program by myself to measure the buoy frequency. A great advance ! 15 days left before going aboard. However some communication still has problem between my older senior and me. My boss hints me that the university of alaska is a good place, too. The MIT requires that the grades must be 80 plus or more. Shit, What is my university ? Baseball and baseball. Alright, that tells me it is impossible to be a member of MIT. In the almost most Northern part of the world, UA maybe a good place to concentrate on research. It attracts me by its high scholarship. The other side of the pacific...I want to be there .
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