2006-06-20 13:55:29kathy



it is just 11:58PM......

i need to wait until 3:00AM


coz i want to meet him....*

so stupid i am...

bt nth i can do ar,.

just only wait wait wait wait...

bt even though how long i wait,.

he’ll not talk to me...

he will not!


coz he only thinking about her her her !!!!

wt he said to me & did for me before were all rubish!!??!!!*

more i think more anger i have!!!!


i’ve no hope...

can i do it ?? ai....forget it.....coz i cant do it~~

today got up at 11:00 also..it’s so early,. bt i hv no choice..coz my mami..""

then hv lunch.,cc tv., ononline.,

go to BNU for the fee of UM,. $3000

then go to tapia by bus...shit,.

(the period make me so unhapi & hard...)

In tapia,,, i suddenly meet IAN at the bus-stop,. she need to work at 3:45pm...

we wait the bus together,. so hot and crowd!!!!!

many free walkers around us,..,.,..,,..,., shouting and shouting!!!


finally i got NO:33 bus,.

meet my frds in MARA CAFE....long long time no go this cafe lu~

it’s so old and hot~~

coz the period...i cant hv cold drink..!

oh my god~!*

drink drink drink eat eat eat until 4:00.....

walk walk walk for no ideas....

then go hm,...coz i’m so tired and suffer with M


i didnt c his motor-cycle parking there...

where did he go le???????? i know i know!!! busy ar maa!!!!! ai.......

didnt c his motor.... me cant be hapi ga lorrr~*


he hv changed a lot arr,. go to flighting tim arr...

bt he still said this is nth...no pain,.*

did he flight in BAR??? with who arrr?