2016-07-23 02:55:47kathlem652810

線上教學網站 說英語 japanese figure skaters中文意思是什麼

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japanese figure skaters中文意思是什麼

japanese figure skaters解釋

聽英文歌學英文 學唱歌 看youtube學英文 日本花樣滑冰運動員

  • japanese: adj. 1. 日本的;日本人的。2. 日語的。n. (sing. , pl. )1. 日本人。2. 日語。
  • figure: n 1 外形,形狀,外觀;姿態。2 畫像,塑像。3 圖形,圖案;插圖;圖表。4 人影,人形;人物。5 風度,...

  • He had to content himself with expressing his government's abhorrence of japanese aggression while he knew that he could do nothing to bring the japanese to book.

  • During the festival, events such as traditional tea ceremonies and japanese koto harp performances were held in this garden abloom with the autumn flora so each visitor could fully enjoy the fall season

  • When abreast of a trunk which appeared to be the oldest of the old, he became aware that a figure was standing behind it.

  • Over 10 million items were handed in to police in 2004, including unexpected items such as pet snakes and shoeboxes full of cash. the figure, more than double that of 1964, reflected the law - abiding yet forgetful nature of the japanese

  • They figure a smart young japanese on the board will help them sell more to japanese customers.


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    japanese figure skaters中文意思是什麼

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