2016-06-25 15:48:12kathlem652810

師德英檢 線上學習課程 fat clearance中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢班 線上英文發音流利英語學苑 網路學英文 一生必學的英文單字學英語app 英文字源學免費英語教學 英文雜誌比較全民英檢中級考古題 一對一線上學英文 日語補習班在家學英文 高雄高中英文家教老師英文日常生活會話 補習英文怎麼說輕鬆學英文 家教網 美語補習班推薦



fat clearance中文意思是什麼

fat clearance解釋

日常生活英文對話 托福 留學 國小英文教學 脂肪廓清作用

  • fat: adj 1 肥胖的,豐滿的 (opp lean thin) 〈cf stout〉; 多脂肪的,(肉等)肥的;(豬等)養肥了的。2...
  • clearance: n 1 清除,掃除,除去;解除。2 【林業】終伐;(伐去樹木后的)林間空地。3 出[入]港證;放行證;出入...

  • Results maidang rutong granules can promote the dilation and hyperplasia of acinus cavity and conduit in mammary gland, reduce the mammary interlobular fat connective tissue, significantly increase pituitary acidophil number and serum prolactin level, increase the milk volume of lactation rats and their offspring ' s body weight

  • Systolic and diastolic blood pressures clustered together with leptin in the factor analysis and this blood pressure - adiposity component correlated with estimated creatinine clearance ( r = 0. 329, p < 0. 0001 ) and explained on its own 10. 2 % of the variance in the estimated renal function

    在析因分析中發現收縮壓和舒張壓與瘦素相關聯,這種血壓?肥胖組合與估算的肌酐清除率具有相關性(相關系數0 . 329 , p < 0 . 0001 ) ,其本身可以造成10 . 2 %的腎功能變化。
  • After all, fat government is weak.

  • The practical issue of drum brake with oversized overall stroke was resolved by experiments, and it indicates that major effect factors of air chamber overall stroke, which are the drum - shoe clearance, the elastic modulus of lining, the torsion deflection of cam shaft

  • Amylase - creatinine clearance ratio


    fat clarification, fat clarifying centrifuge, fat clay, fat cutter, fat cutting, fat decomposing bacteria

    fat clea英文網站 英語從頭學下載rance中文意思是什麼
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