《活動訊息》99/8/28.29兩天一夜“山中奧迪西“Odissi workshop
Odissi workshop - an inner journey in nature
To experience the indian dance workshop,with two days' dancing freely
in mountain area, and find another way to fall in love with ourselves
由重視「舞蹈生活化」的蝶舞舞蹈中心主辦此活動,延續今年度「三個月的三道彎」奧迪西舞蹈學習營,來自印度的奧迪西舞蹈 Guru / Master「Nirod Kumar Dehury」將於八月份再次來台,繼續授課推廣善念舞蹈「Odissi 奧迪西」。這次的兩天一夜舞蹈大師營,蝶舞邀請您放下自己,來到山裡盡情舞蹈,看著台中大坑風景區不同時段的優美景色,跳完舞的晚上睡著大通鋪,有些人打著枕頭戰,有的人看著星空說笑,第二天的清晨,你再次腳踏大地舞動身軀,用你的身體說話,也與你對話。
The activity is held by Butterfly Dance Studio, who's eager to make dancing more close to real life. Wth Guru(Master) Nirod Kumar Dehury's coming to Taiwan in August, we continue the workshop "Tribhangi Three Month" early this year and keep spreading odissi, the sacrificial dance, by teaching classes. In this two-days dancing workshop, we would like you to let go all the thought and enjoy dancing in the mountain. We may have different beautiful scenes with different time there. And after dancing we'll sleep together at night chatting under the stars or having fun with pillow wars. The next morning, you'll be stepping on the ground and moving gracefully, as if you're talking and expressing your feelings by your body without words.
2010/8/28 (Sat.) ~ 8/29 (Sun.)
課程內容簡介 Content
.10 小時,奧迪西基本功練習與 sthai(sthayee) 舞碼教學
.授課師資:印度奧迪西舞蹈名師 Nirod Kumar Dehury
.10 hours odissi stepping practice and item "Sthai" learning
.Teaching by the Indian Odissi dance Guru Nirod Kumar Dehury