2008-03-06 16:45:27Kat:D

we can do nothing about it

I seriously want to know
the real me deep inside
how she thinks how she would face
all about the real world

I guess it’s the time to grow up
but still wondering how maturity is
still unsuring everything that I’ve got
and the world just seemed blurry
so many things
so many questions
that I just can’t figure out

sometimes I feel all I have to do is to grab and hold
of all the things I want
think that they will ever stay and never fade
sometimes I even think that all the things could work in the best way
but how ironic is not eveything has a certain answer and could not comes to an good end

I just keep wondering
how come there are so much limit between two of us
and why is everything has to be under the pressure
but sadly the only thing I know is that’s how reality truly is

”we can do nothing about it”
I hate this quote
because it means give in and give up

are you intrested in saying
”maybe there is another way?”
im_hc 2008-03-08 19:08:46

i can understand ur feelin, truly,
love is not always easy,
but at least u hav ur man who takes u seriously,
so juz cherish the time that u two can be spend 2gether,
maybe u guyz need to get a time to talk,
that may be helpful, at least can make both of u feel better : )

n btw,
ur feelin` reminded me `bout the word we juz learned last semester, &quotempathy.&quot
要知道 &quotto gain new insights through restudying old material&quot 溫故知新嘛 X D