2010-07-30 10:53:45kk


Ha! yes, I'm not that kind of person who make plans.

Even if I do, I never follow the schedule, and it only makes me even more anxious and upset and angry at myself.

However, everyone deserve a brand new start, so, here I am!!

This time I try to make plans only for this month, and plans that are much easier and controlable and achieveable.

1. Finish the Korean soap opera~City Hall (that's easy)

2. Make some handbags.

   (Yeah, the materials I ordered will be here tomorrow...and I've bought some books...I always like to do some handicrafts.  There are so many things that are not controlable in life.  And this is what I can do, and do well, and also having sense of achievement...)

3. Study at least 2 hrs everyday. (well~we'll see...)

4. Pray every morning.

5. Do at least one thing that makes me happy!!(like shopping??!! )

Hope that by writing these down could remind me to stick to my schedule (or others might remind me...ha...).

上一篇:A New Journey


Emily 2010-08-12 09:52:51

Shooping..... I think you did that yesterday....... : P

J 2010-07-30 15:14:14

1. Finish the Korean soap opera~City Hall-- Really surprised me..I still remembered the words you had told to your mom...haha

ha~I finally finished that. Although I don't really like Korean soap opera, this one is quite nice^^ 2010-08-03 23:57:50