2014-04-23 10:30:50kandena

That year, we are in the

The April did not spring like feel fresh inside Shenzhen, the steel city, small we can only struggle is not the place up, busy time will recall the once beautiful, laugh, and continue to be kept constantly on the run life, mechanical repetition, as if the person's life should be so uneventful.
Seems to have in the past for a long time, long I recently even the memories are rarely read, feel it for a moment, but in retrospect, feel memory slowly fuzzy, this is the time. Now of I, again how shout oneself hoarse cries out, also can permanently out of that once youth.
I've always thought of myself as a gentle and very nostalgic, though I know man, but often look back have a look, think and meet many people, just happiness, such as flowers, chanafanghua, stunning after leaving only withered, and the residue of memories in the memory.
That year, we are all in the 0902, the word written in our textbooks, also engraved in our heart, we laugh Egret Lake, Ling Lake Park filled with our smoke smell of food, we like the knight in the hot sun across Hengyang, goulou mountain peak in the us the flag of victory, the mountain of flowers and fruit with our campfire ashes, we always Rai joy between the Guilin Scenery.
That year, I also don't think anything, act recklessly and care for nobody to play in a hotbed of the ivory tower, the sky is blue, the bird flocks flying in the sky, flowers Manshan, green southern, I took my novel, dream, travel between reality and fantasy, remain free.
That year, I finally understand the parting, began to understand some parting was farewell, began to understand some parting but forever, forever, only in that year let me completely grief, those relatives, friends, everywhere are read far empty, falling rain more sadness for spring, not as a pity for us.
That year, those who haven't together, that year, those who were still together, then they began to some meaningful and loving things left, not even the slightest nostalgia and cherish the time, people have changed, lax, can you still remember the courage to write the letter, received a gift?
That year, I still dream of the beauty of love, but because of a certain a lively love teaching, fell into the emotional troubles continue to struggle, the sad fall into the rain, wet my sunny sky, just that the layers of clouds after the total golden sunshine in my line, that is I don't had to give up friendship. And now, the man who I think constantly of, let me continue to think constantly of go down, I still believe in love? Maybe.
That year, we are in, we wore a black yellow border gown stopped at the blue sky and white clouds, the square cap on the tassel remember our sweat, especially sincere smiling face, in the summer of Xie Shiyan, who cry to hold together to form a clique, who was shouting to never separated, who be helped the people on the stage said to leave, so we go together, so we separated.
In fact, this is good, those of us who have through the years, no rain, leaving a world of Enron, I smile, thinking of all the people who walked with each other, the residual memory of the road, these silent happiness, has been supporting me forward, the wind played our story, and I seem to still remain in the original, just that state of mind, not the original.

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