2004-03-10 19:15:00尚未設定

新目標 ! (特別比"我的朋友")

10/3/2004 HKT 6:40 又凍又熱 .. 而家涼d啦 ~

大家好呀 .. 又係我o黎報告下我o既近況o既時候啦 .. 自從o黎o左lee到同少打日記後 .. (以前日日打) .. d速成打字慢o左幾倍 .. 唉 .. 雖然仲係幾快 .. 但係當年"速成小王子"個大名我已經不配啦 .. 算啦 .. 都係比d機會d細o既吧啦 ..

"我的朋友"係留言板到叫我多打日記 .. 我會o架啦 .. 等大家知道我做d乜嘛 ~ 多謝晒你呀 .. 多謝晒咁多位 .. 其實而家我每篇野平均有成140個人睇呀 !! 好開心呀 !! 最多試過170 .. 掂呀 .. 不過上一篇就差d .. 得90到目前為止 .. 可能因為無講我d野掛 ..

講你都唔信我 .. 我之前病o左成個幾禮拜呀 .. 而家都未好返晒 .. 我發覺panadol係無乜用o架 .. 其實中藥真係掂 .. 苦口良藥 .. 不過係到睇中醫又貴啦 .. 所以到而家都係無睇醫生o既 .. hehe .. 當然要多謝doris成日提我早訓個d啦 .. 係喎 .. doris係我屋企o既生住客 .. 都係教會朋友o黎o既 ~

今日就考完SACs--即係計落全年總分 .. 我o既意思係升大學分喎o既小考試 ~ geog有緊啦 .. 做唔晒呀 .. maths應該ok掛 .. 大鑊啦總之就 .. 係喎 .. 唔記得講新目標tim .. 新目標就係--哈 .. 升上墨爾本大學啦 .. University of Melbourne .. 好難呀 .. 要92分呀 .. 你諗下我d咁o既人丫 .. 不過我覺得"只要有恆心 .. 鐵柱磨成針"係真o架 !! 我相信我比心機一定得 .. 我而家都差唔多日日溫書咁濟 .. 我都祝考HKCE & HKAL o既朋友們得到自己預期高o既成績啦 !!

我禮拜日比賽呀 .. 輸o左呀 .. 34vs9 .. 慘敗 .. 我都無咩好講 .. 總要整到傷晒 .. 唉 .. 無話再講 ..

今日想講o既最後一樣野 .. 係有d搞笑o架 .. 關於個個香港人 .. william hung .. 唔記得佢中文名tim .. 我lee邊一份小型報紙有篇野講佢 .. 請容許我用英文打比大家睇 .. 因為會搞笑d ..

Hung up on clean style--

No woman has yet managed to woo clean-living American Idol shocker William Hung.
"I would prefer to get married before engaging in any sexual activities," said the 21-year-old, now world famous for his woeful rendition of Ricky Martin's She Bangs.
Nor does Hung, whose first album The True Idol will be out next month, smoke, drink or swear.
"Though sometimes i do use the phrase,"What the heck is going on here?" he admitted to Rolling Stone.
Hung is so pure that he religiously flosses his gappy teeth and plays the Pokemon trading-card game every Sunday.
"OK, so i'm not famous for the right reasons," he said. "i'm infamous, a joke. It doesn't make me feel good because i'm a genuine person, but i don't let it get to me, because i'm who i'm."
On top of She Bangs, get set to hear Hung's version of Martin's Shake Your Bon Bon and Elton John's Rocket Man. Cable channel Fuse Music Network will also air his music video.
His Album, to be released by Koch Records, will come with a 40 minute DVD of footage of recording sessions and fan questions and answers.

真係咁都有o架真係 .. 哈