2007-10-23 23:01:48『呆』『鴨』

【 爆笑 】

無意間發現這篇文章 這是別人大學聯考寫的 虧它敢這樣寫 超酷的

   What was I doing when the 921 earthquake happened?
In 921 earthquake, I and my girlfriend are together. We are
on the bed, doing love. I am up, and she is down. So we are up
and down...together. the earthquake is more and more big, and
we are more and more excited. Though my girlfriend say no...no..
I know her heart say yes...yes... At last, we are into high 潮
together. That day, we are the happiest a day. I hope the last
time is fast a little come. --End--

分數:0 評語:請尊重考試
妹仔 2007-10-27 21:20:41

這你寫的吧 !

   只有你這之色鴨才寫的出來的 !

不是我拉  我哪會寫這種東西= =
而且 921的時候我才幾歲 哪來的女朋友= =
2007-10-27 21:52:24
西瓜~XDDD 2007-10-24 22:26:51

很色就是= =

酷椏!! 2007-10-24 22:37:52
我是x片庭 2007-10-23 23:45:13

他 真 屌 !!

是阿 超酷的 2007-10-23 23:53:57