2017-07-13 08:12:38jzxotqnom6

【美國原裝】Enzymedica, SerraGold, 120 Capsules直送台灣哪裡買?

保健品-Enzymedica, SerraGold, 120 Capsules

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如果你還在考慮Enzymedica, SerraGold, 120 Capsules這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~


  • Non GMO
  • The Enzyme Experts
  • Therapeutic
  • #1 Selling Enzyme Brand
  • High Potency Serrapeptase
  • Supports Cardiovascular, Sinus and Systemic Health
  • Contains Preteolytic Enzymes
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Vegan & Kosher
  • K-Parve
  • No Filers Added
  • 床的世界
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzymes (an enzyme that breaks down protein) that has been popular in Asia and Eur床的世界ope for almost thirty years. It has been studied for its ability to promote healthy inflammatory responses, improve circulation and support cardiovascular function.

SerraGold contains high potency Serrapeptase combined with a blend of preteolyic enzymes known to support mobility, immune function, and cardiovascular, sinus and systemic health. The vegan serrapaptase in SerraGold eliminates the need for enteric coating.

Thera-blend is an exclusive process that comb床的世界ines multiple strains of enzymes that work in specific pH levels, resulting in superior performance in the body.

Enzymedica, SerraGold, 120 Capsules




