2008-06-08 16:27:21佳倚
20080605《在登嘉楼的日子019 - 分享》
Kak Zila和Ati参与三轮车寻宝游戏荣获第二名的荣耀,昨日我们一伙人前往麦当当吃午餐,RM250的奖金扣除RM100的报名费,我们十个人吃剩五零吉,也算一大创举!Mr. Sukri的booking不成,更是添加了我的疲惫感,眼看大家有说有笑,自己却在一旁埋头苦干,仍不讨好——我尽我的责任将工作完成,这不是我们的专业吗?我开始检讨:是否自己将所有的工作都扛在肩上,不,我并非勤奋的人,常常也只是把该完成的工作做完……同事听了我的牢骚看不过眼,请示上司,上司也认同可以把工作send到kak zila处,我无不认同。
Alone must one seek the ether,
and alone and without the nest shall the eagle flying across the sun;
and here i have come, a boundless drop to the boundless ocean.
At the noontide you have come to us as a twilight,
and your youth have given us dreams to dream.
Alone must one seek the ether,
and alone and without the nest shall the eagle flying across the sun;
and here i have come, a boundless drop to the boundless ocean.
At the noontide you have come to us as a twilight,
and your youth have given us dreams to dream.