2007-06-09 06:51:08佳倚
20070608《The Prince and Me》
凌晨三点三十五分,刚看完《The Prince and Me》,讲述平民Paige遇上丹麦王子Edward的故事。近结尾时来了个大转折,尽管如此,童话的结局甚少改变……有些倒胃口。还是以为爱情最完美的境界,是在爱得最深最浓之际分离,很残忍吧!自古隽永情话:罗密欧茱莉叶、梁山伯祝英台爱得片刻不得闲;只是永远,在生命结束的当儿成了传说,千古流传。
之前看到Paige的挣扎:离开他的怀抱,继续成就自己的理想。笑她傻吧!放弃所有荣华富贵以及成为皇后的殊荣,在群众拥簇欢呼着Edward登基的时刻,头也不回地转身离开;他看着她的背影离开,致词时说了一段经典:“Today, a mark of profound though picture windmills for all of us, as we pay witness above an end and the beginning, and while we must continue on, we must totally grateful, to have been blessed for someone who had so added guided us to where we are today!”
“ When there have been so much love, and happiness for someone, it is natural to be reloaded, to close such a one full chapter on our life; for moving forward is really accomplished to allow consider wound, grief and sadness; and when our sorrow maybe profound, the cloud will clear and the sun will shine on us again, and in that warm bright light, we will find ourselves facing a glories future- a future with exciting challenges and infinite possibilities, in which the horizon will stretch out before us, live in the heavenly glow of the sunrise of our tomorrow!”
字句行间,仅有感怀,没有过多的不舍:感谢生命中曾有过你,伴我走来!如此成熟的感情,触动心弦;一直相信爱情的成分,包容占多数,付出与牺牲其次,第一次从影片中感觉到,确实感动!他们之间的感情,没有时域性,凭靠着彼此的信任,尽管拥有各自的空间,默契依旧维系--其实,何必强求呢?是你的,终究躲不过。幸福是:“I want to have you in my life, Paige, I want to marry you!”
“It does mean waiting to you for medical school or become a doctor...or anything you want to do, then go do it!”
“I wait!”
“Denmark isn’t ready for a queen like me...”
“They don’t have to be, because I am.”
之前看到Paige的挣扎:离开他的怀抱,继续成就自己的理想。笑她傻吧!放弃所有荣华富贵以及成为皇后的殊荣,在群众拥簇欢呼着Edward登基的时刻,头也不回地转身离开;他看着她的背影离开,致词时说了一段经典:“Today, a mark of profound though picture windmills for all of us, as we pay witness above an end and the beginning, and while we must continue on, we must totally grateful, to have been blessed for someone who had so added guided us to where we are today!”
“ When there have been so much love, and happiness for someone, it is natural to be reloaded, to close such a one full chapter on our life; for moving forward is really accomplished to allow consider wound, grief and sadness; and when our sorrow maybe profound, the cloud will clear and the sun will shine on us again, and in that warm bright light, we will find ourselves facing a glories future- a future with exciting challenges and infinite possibilities, in which the horizon will stretch out before us, live in the heavenly glow of the sunrise of our tomorrow!”
字句行间,仅有感怀,没有过多的不舍:感谢生命中曾有过你,伴我走来!如此成熟的感情,触动心弦;一直相信爱情的成分,包容占多数,付出与牺牲其次,第一次从影片中感觉到,确实感动!他们之间的感情,没有时域性,凭靠着彼此的信任,尽管拥有各自的空间,默契依旧维系--其实,何必强求呢?是你的,终究躲不过。幸福是:“I want to have you in my life, Paige, I want to marry you!”
“It does mean waiting to you for medical school or become a doctor...or anything you want to do, then go do it!”
“I wait!”
“Denmark isn’t ready for a queen like me...”
“They don’t have to be, because I am.”