2019-01-02 19:07:29jxvfvjhbntfb

【刷卡購物優惠】Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin 結婚送禮推薦送禮推薦

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin













Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin 設計式樣: Geo Beige · 2018

The Peg-Perego Pliko Mini Twin is a flexible lightweight buggy which is perfect for active parents of twins or siblings.

This mini buggy features a one-hand umbrella fold and thus collapses into a small size without you having to bend down. Once it is folded it is a free standing unit and fits in almost any car boot. The carrying handle on the side is particularly convenient since it eases the transport of the Pliko Mini Twin considerably.

Six double wheels with hub caps of contrasting colour contribute to the buggy's aesthetic appeal and satisfy you and your children by offering a pleasant and smooth ride. The rear wheels are equipped with a telescopic suspension that levels out any irregularities of the surface you are currently driving on. As soon as the terrain gets a little bumpier, you can easily lock the swivel front wheels.

The large seat surface as well as the footrest that can be adjusted in two different levels are perfect for your little ones to enjoy the most comfortable ride and relax while being out and about. The Pliko Mini Twin also features backrests that can be adjusted independently of one another in three different positions and ensure a comfortable recline position to take a nap and rest. A five-point harness keeps your little ones well protected during the ride. The large sun canopy with built-in viewing panel protects them from harmful sun rays and can be detached if required.

The Pliko Mini Twin adapts perfectly to the size of the parent pushing the buggy. The built-in mesh basket stores purchases and other necessities and niceties needed when being on the go with tiny humans.

This handy double buggy by Peg-Perego has many adorable features - designed and developed in Italy.


  • comfortable mini double buggy

  • 3-fold adjustable backrest including recline position

  • 2-fold adjustable footrest

  • Sun canopy with sun protection factor

  • Rear wheels with telescopic suspension

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • Large seating and lying surface

  • Width: only 76 cm

  • 6 double wheels Ø 14,5 with coloured hub cap

  • Maximum weight capacity (seats and mesh basket): 2 x 15 kg + 5 kg

  • Size unfolded: 76 x 102 x 85 cm (WxLxD)

  • Size folded: 76 x 102 x 85 cm (WxLxD)

  • Weight: 11 kg

  • Made in Italy




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Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

推薦, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

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使用評比, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

開箱文, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

?推薦, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

評測文, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

CP值, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

評鑑大隊, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin

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好用嗎?, Peg-Perego Double Buggy Pliko Mini Twin
