拯救地球好累 雖然有些疲憊但我還是會
不要問我哭過了沒 因為超人不能流眼淚
在FB上面謝謝他:I'm thankful to have a friend who can pray with me and entertain me at the same time. Ma的回應:please die me (開心死我了...)
Me:认错不是一件自然的事,但却可以是一件超自然的事。 超自然的部分是什麼?
Ma:...its complicated
Ma: funny I think its ok, cute has that implication
Me: ㄟ when I say cute...at least it means compliment....I'm treating u good...when u say funny...it's not a compliment!!!!!莫非 現在需要超自然你才會說你錯了嗎? 哈哈哈lol這一定就是超自然的部分!!!!!!!
Ma: you know if I am mean to you...thats because we are friends
Me: 我需要耶穌顯靈一下 告訴你降是不對的....
Ma: feel better now? ok, I was wrong, sorry
Me:alright alright got it!.....可憐的我....嗚嗚 你好難搞阿你!
Ma: oohhh yeah, there is really God, we just prove it
Me: should I just shout out praise the Lord....不能妄稱神的名說 剛剛讀完十誡
Ma: now it is your turn being harsh; lets call it even we are friends treating each other like we are
Me: good
Ma: ok?I think I just love to be a hater tho
Me: u r not
Ma: screw me... I failed to be a hater…too bad…now I am mad
Me: seriously...u know every word has a power....don't say things that u didn't mean it
Ma: V.V…ok…dubee woobee bbeebee…explain the power
Me: T_T 這個人正經沒辦法超過三秒鐘
Ma: I dunt even know what that means…joking
Me:話語是有力量的 所以我才說不能一直開玩笑說你很煩或是很討厭
Ma: I never took that seriously…are you telling me that you mean it…煩
Ma: .......kuku…I am gonna cry…cry die me
Me:唉呦 我要說造就人的好話啦~~現在我就是逆境向上 如同鮭魚般…要與邪惡勢力對抗!!!!
Ma: I like salmon
Me: grilled one?
Ma: sashimi… I know a jap place…pretty good…wanna try sometime?
這就是我每天的娛樂,我覺得還滿好笑的=.= 塔塔也是降!
對阿 我好苦 我每天都要用我的人生娛樂你 哇哈哈哈